Bible Story – Topic:  Salvation and Christian Living

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Topic: Salvation and Christian Living

The season of Easter is as important as Christmas to every true beliver. We all know quite alright that this period reminds us of the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary to redeem us from sin and its powers and ultimately, hell.  By reason of His finished work, we can repent from our sins, confess them and by faith, believe that we are saved. By faith we believe that we are accepted by God the father through the righteousness of Christ Jesus and as such, we attain *salvation*.

However, since we don’t die immediately after giving our lives to Christ,   there’s a need for us to carry ourselves in the “saved state” until Christ comes or He calls us home. And that is where most Christians are missing it. And also, that is where the Devil is holding most Christians down with lies. 

The concept of “Christian living” becomes more difficult by the day because many false prophets have gone ahead to tell us that we don’t need to do anything again after accepting Christ through salvation because “once saved, forever saved”, or that “we are in the dispensation of grace and not of works”. These false prophets deceive many into believing that what you do after salvation does not matter so far as you believe in Christ or so far as you confess your sins (this is partly true because God says if we confess our sins He is faithful and Just to forgive ( 1 John 1: 9). But the Bible also said there’s no forgiveness of sins if you do it deliberately after knowing the truth {Hebrews 10: 26}). 

The world at its present state  even makes live life as a Christian is more difficult than ever, even the Bible says that if it were possible, even the very elect will be deceived (Matthew 24: 24). But thank God for the Holy Spirit who always reveals the Truth to those that believe in Christ. He made us to realize that after salvation, our flesh is normally supposed to be dead and buried, and then we resurrect in the life of Christ. That means that we die as sinners and then come back to life as Christ, that is why the Bible said we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5: 21). Apostle Paul confirms this by saying “It is no longer I that lives but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2: 20). With that knowledge that you are now living as Christ, it becomes important not to do certain things in Christ’s body.

Get these examples, because the old you is dead and you are now living as Christ, you can not take His body and commit fornication, or lie or steal or rebel or harbor bitterness or  unforgiveness or hate.  You can’t even make him expose his body in public in the name of fashion or make him wear “crazy jeans” and all those worldly clothings that are targeted at bringing attention to ourselves (which is a form of idolatry anyway because you are sharing  God’s glory). Neither can you put on Christ’s body any artificial thing (you name them).

One can not use Christ’s body to drag others to lust and commit fornication in their hearts because that will be defeating his aim of saving lost souls. You can not make his mouth to speak evil or corrupt communication or make Him dance to songs that don’t glorify His father. 

This is because, all of these things will defile Christ’s body. So why do you think Christ will be happy with someone defiling His body or God the father be okay with someone that defiles His Son’s body deliberately? Do you still believe what most false ministers say that “what you do after salvation does not matter”? That would be crucifying Jesus multiple times (Hebrews 6: 4-6)

The thing is, if we are going to claim the blessings that come with the death and resurrection of Christ, we should also be ready to do away with the old way (the world’s) of doing things. He said we shouldn’t worship Him the way the pagans worship their gods (Deuteronomy 12:31). He has His own principles, and we should be careful to follow after (Titus 2: 11-12).  In whatever you do, ask yourself, *how does this glorify God and His son?* 

Always remember that your body and life is no longer yours after you invite Him into your life, therefore please be careful what you do with His body and life so He doesn’t count you as an enemy on the Last Day. 

May the Holy Spirit forever be our guide by revealing more of His truth to Us, Amen.


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