TOPIC: DON’T MAJOR IN THE MINORS – TREM Daily Devotional 13 May 2019 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.” 1 Corinthians 14:34 (KJV) One of the strategies of the devil is to distract us with the minors to the extent that we forget the major issues, the central focus of the gospel. Many have taken that scripture out of context and have made a doctrine of women not speaking in the Church. Some people have missed out of God’s plan because they deafened their ears to the ministry of women. Beloved, in the New Testament, there is no bond or free, no male or female. God chooses to use anyone who is available to Him and uses the person for the benefit of everyone. Even in the Old Testament, look at the ministry of Deborah. In Judges 5:7, she said: “The inhabitants of the villages ceased in Israel, until I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel”.

Did you see that? No one appointed her, she saw a need and rose up to meet the need. When it was time to go to war, Barak said to her “if you do not go with us, we will not go” Can you imagine that? A man, a trained warrior making such a statement. Before you judge him, sit where he sat. He simply recognized the grace of God upon the life of Deborah and took advantage of it. I call him a secure man. He is one man that was not intimidated to acknowledge the hand of God upon a woman. Get rid of the minors: women speaking in church, women covering their hair or wearing trousers, and grow up into more crucial issues of the Kingdom. It is not about covering of hair or wearing of trousers, it is about the hand of God upon a vessel. Let me also balance it here, all things are lawful but not all things are expedient. You must also be careful to understand your environment and gradually bring them up to speed. Do not flaunt your freedom in their faces. Further Reading: Judges 4:1-6; 5:1-7Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Kings 17-18; Evening- John 3:19-36

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