21 Keys If You Are Determined Not To Fail By Pastor D.K. Olukoya

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JULY 29TH, 2020.
TEXT: JOHN 15:14, PHIL. 4:13, PROV. 22:29


1. Make God your friend. John 15:14 – “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”

God will not assist His own enemies. God is the supreme excellence and He is the embodiment of success.
The Key To Making God Your Friend;

  • Get born again.
  • Repent from every known sin.
  • Follow Him.

2. Have a good self-image. Phil. 4:13 – “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,”

3. Work hard. Prov. 22:29 – “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”

Lazy people never succeed instead laziness will put you down. Inherited laziness is worst.

==> I pray that inherited laziness will not pull your life down in Jesus’ name.

4. Seek and pray to recieve the spirit of creativity. Job 32:8

  • Creativity gives birth to original ideas that no one has concieved.
  • Creativity is original thought to solve stubborn problems.
  • Creativity is not hardwork or effort but it requires a lot of inspiration.

5. Do not despise small victories. Zech. 4:10

6. Refuse to be in the tail department. Deut. 28:13. Be your best in whatever you are.

7. Learn the principle of time management. Psalm 90:12

8. Decide to make a change as necessary. Gen. 32:26

9. Understand the devices of the enemy. 2 Cor. 2:11

10. Write down your plans, goals and ideas. Luke 14:31. When you write them down, it increases the chances that you will pursue and achieve them.

11. Listen more and speak less. Eccl. 5:2.

12. Do things in order and avoid confusion. Isa. 28:10

13. Ensure your complete deliverance because your point of pollution will definitely be a point of attack. Luke 1:74

14. Build your life on the truth. Prov. 3:3-4. Each lie drags you further into the valley of failure.

  • You will fail when you consistently tell lies.
  • You will fail when you take what does not belong to you and you keep it.
  • You will fail when you accept excess change and say nothing.
  • You will fail when you are telling lies about your age.
  • You will fail when you are taking things that do not belong to you.
  • You will fail when you are cheating in the place of work.
  • You will fail when you are jumping queues.
  • You will fail when you refuse to pay what you are suppose to pay.
  • You will fail when take things from people like books to read and you never return them.
  • You will fail when you are stealing things from hotels, stealing blankets and all kinds of things.
  • You will fail once your life is based on any falsehood.
  • You will fail when you are forging receipt on what you did not buy.
  • You will fail when you are exaggerating the length of time you have waited in a place, exaggerating how much of things that you can do.
  • You will fail when you are quietly, secretly doing wrong things and giving the impression that you don’t do them.

15. Learn from your mistakes and failures. Take corrections; be teachable. Jer. 2:30

16. Depart from the school of worry, anxiety and fear. Job 3:25. Worrying about something going wrong will increase the chance of the thing going very wrong.

17. Learn the power of motivation. 1 Sam. 30:6. Learn how to encourage yourself in the Lord – Discouragement is a spiritual robber.

18. Be an expert in what you do. Eccl. 9:10

19. If you are knocked down, get back up. Prov. 24:15.

20. Be a man of the Word of God. Josh. 1:8

21. Be a man and woman of prayer. Luke 18:1.

If you follow these twenty one (21) keys, it is certain that you will not fail; you will succeed.

==> May the Lord make you to succeed in the name of Jesus.


  1. O God arise and move me to my next level, in the name of Jesus.
  2. I plug my life, into the socket of divine acceleration, in the name of Jesus.
  3. (Mention your name), hear the word of the Lord, enter into your divine glory, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Powers that have determined to make me fail, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every bewitchment upon my glory, break away, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Voice of my glory, hear the word of the Lord, speak in the right places, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Any power, standing as Goliath in my life, fall and rise no more, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Any progress stolen from me by the enemy, I recover you now, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Powers, assigned to detain my journey of progress, die, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every hand of Pharaoh upon my life, I set you ablaze, in the name of Jesus.
  11. The voice that woke up Lazarus, roar, wake up my virtues, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Every power of inherited failure, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
  13. Thou power of the shadow of death, over my life, clear away, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Any evil oil, flowing upon my head from my father’s house, dry up, in the name of Jesus.

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