A-Z Of Holiness And Deliverance (Part II) By Pastor D.K Olukoya

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor D.K. Olukoya

OCTOBER 18TH, 2020.

Last week, we began to look at A-Z of Holiness and we read:

Obadiah 1:17 – “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.”

I explained to you that Holiness plus Deliverance will lead to Possessing Your Possession
We said;

A – Abstinence: you are commanded to abstain from alcohol, hard drugs, anger, etc
B – Boldness
C – Calmness
D – Doer of the Word.
E – Examining yourself.
F – Fasting
G – Gentleness, Generosity and Godly fear.
H – Humility
I – Information; be spiritually informed.
J – Joy of the Holy Spirit.
K – Knowledge of the Word of God
L – Love; love your neighbour.
M – Meditation.
N – Name of Jesus; letting the Name of Jesus be in your mouth always.
O – Observation; be spiritually observant.
P – Prayer
Q – Quickness
R – Repentance
S – Sacrifice
T – Truth; tell the truth anywhere you are.
U – Unity
V – Violent faith
W – Word of God
X – X-ray your character, attitude, behaviour and life.
Y – Yieldedness to God
Z –Zeal with the knowledge of God

We started to look at deliverance and I explained to you that a good deliverance process takes place in five (5) stages;

  1. Salvation – New birth: Because deliverance is children’s bread, you must become a child of God before you can receive deliverance.
  2. Detection of the troublers of Israel – Diagnosis: know what you want to be delivered from.
  3. Ejection of the unprofitable tenants.
  4. Removal of their deposits and repair of what they have destroyed.
  5. Barricade your life against future attack and re-entry.


The enemy leaves a place:

  1. When he is not welcome
  2. When there is no sin to cling to
  3. When he is not honoured with too much concern
  4. When you exhibit spiritual violence
  5. When God’s thought is proclaimed
  6. When there is a fire of the Holy Ghost

Deliverance itself is a spiritual warfare. It brings so many benefits to individuals and communities; meaning a human being could need deliverance, a city may need deliverance, a territory could need deliverance, a nation could need deliverance and a business could need deliverance. It brings termination of satanic oppression, it brings vibrant spiritual life, it makes the life of holiness to be easy, it brings breakthrough and financial advancement, it gives you good health, it brings productive prayer life, it gives you open heaven, etc


===> I am praying for anyone here, any enemy that wants to push you from the fire to the smoke, shall be buried alive, in the name of Jesus.

A – Accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour
B – Break away from ungodly people and organisation.
C – Cast out demonic spirit and clean your house and possession of cursed objects
D – Dedicate your life to God
E – Educate your Spirit man and banish ignorance. By reading the Word of God, etc
F – Follow peace with all men and holiness
G – Guide your spiritual/heavenly armour on all the time. Eph. 6
H – Have perfect hatred for any bondage
I – Invite the fire of God into your life on daily basis.

===> I am praying for somebody here; the fire that will make your life a terror to the kingdom of darkness, receive it in the name of Jesus.

J – Join a church that believes in holiness and spiritual warfare.
K – Keep your mind with all diligence
L – Locate the unprotected head of your Goliath
M – Make positive confessions everyday
N – Never underestimate the capabilities of the enemy.
O – Overcome the strongman assigned to any situation in your life
P – Pull down every stronghold assigned against you.

===> I am praying for somebody here; any family stronghold, going from person to person, shall not locate your life in the name of Jesus. (7-fold Amen)

===> Any terminator in your household is buried now, in the name of Jesus. (X7 Amen)
Q – Quench all the firing dart of the enemy in your household using the shield of faith.

===> Any power that punished anyone’s parents and now wants to punish you as well, let those powers be buried alive, in the name of Jesus

R – Read your Bible and pray everyday
S – Send curses back to the senders

PRAY: (Raise up your hand) – All curses sent against my life, multiply yourselves seven-fold and go back to your senders, in the name of Jesus

T – Take the battle to the gate of the enemy
U – Undo every burden and evil loads
V – Violent is required for total victory
W – Warfare prayers to be done daily
X – Examine your life daily to detect any open door
Y – Yield your life completely to God
Z – Zeal and aggression is needed for complete victory


A-Z Of Holiness And Deliverance (Part II) By Pastor D.K Olukoya

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor D.K. Olukoya

OCTOBER 18TH, 2020.

Last week, we began to look at A-Z of Holiness and we read:

Obadiah 1:17 – “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.”

I explained to you that Holiness plus Deliverance will lead to Possessing Your Possession
We said;

A – Abstinence: you are commanded to abstain from alcohol, hard drugs, anger, etc
B – Boldness
C – Calmness
D – Doer of the Word.
E – Examining yourself.
F – Fasting
G – Gentleness, Generosity and Godly fear.
H – Humility
I – Information; be spiritually informed.
J – Joy of the Holy Spirit.
K – Knowledge of the Word of God
L – Love; love your neighbour.
M – Meditation.
N – Name of Jesus; letting the Name of Jesus be in your mouth always.
O – Observation; be spiritually observant.
P – Prayer
Q – Quickness
R – Repentance
S – Sacrifice
T – Truth; tell the truth anywhere you are.
U – Unity
V – Violent faith
W – Word of God
X – X-ray your character, attitude, behaviour and life.
Y – Yieldedness to God
Z –Zeal with the knowledge of God

We started to look at deliverance and I explained to you that a good deliverance process takes place in five (5) stages;

  1. Salvation – New birth: Because deliverance is children’s bread, you must become a child of God before you can receive deliverance.
  2. Detection of the troublers of Israel – Diagnosis: know what you want to be delivered from.
  3. Ejection of the unprofitable tenants.
  4. Removal of their deposits and repair of what they have destroyed.
  5. Barricade your life against future attack and re-entry.


The enemy leaves a place:

  1. When he is not welcome
  2. When there is no sin to cling to
  3. When he is not honoured with too much concern
  4. When you exhibit spiritual violence
  5. When God’s thought is proclaimed
  6. When there is a fire of the Holy Ghost

Deliverance itself is a spiritual warfare. It brings so many benefits to individuals and communities; meaning a human being could need deliverance, a city may need deliverance, a territory could need deliverance, a nation could need deliverance and a business could need deliverance. It brings termination of satanic oppression, it brings vibrant spiritual life, it makes the life of holiness to be easy, it brings breakthrough and financial advancement, it gives you good health, it brings productive prayer life, it gives you open heaven, etc


===> I am praying for anyone here, any enemy that wants to push you from the fire to the smoke, shall be buried alive, in the name of Jesus.

A – Accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour
B – Break away from ungodly people and organisation.
C – Cast out demonic spirit and clean your house and possession of cursed objects
D – Dedicate your life to God
E – Educate your Spirit man and banish ignorance. By reading the Word of God, etc
F – Follow peace with all men and holiness
G – Guide your spiritual/heavenly armour on all the time. Eph. 6
H – Have perfect hatred for any bondage
I – Invite the fire of God into your life on daily basis.

===> I am praying for somebody here; the fire that will make your life a terror to the kingdom of darkness, receive it in the name of Jesus.

J – Join a church that believes in holiness and spiritual warfare.
K – Keep your mind with all diligence
L – Locate the unprotected head of your Goliath
M – Make positive confessions everyday
N – Never underestimate the capabilities of the enemy.
O – Overcome the strongman assigned to any situation in your life
P – Pull down every stronghold assigned against you.

===> I am praying for somebody here; any family stronghold, going from person to person, shall not locate your life in the name of Jesus. (7-fold Amen)

===> Any terminator in your household is buried now, in the name of Jesus. (X7 Amen)
Q – Quench all the firing dart of the enemy in your household using the shield of faith.

===> Any power that punished anyone’s parents and now wants to punish you as well, let those powers be buried alive, in the name of Jesus

R – Read your Bible and pray everyday
S – Send curses back to the senders

PRAY: (Raise up your hand) – All curses sent against my life, multiply yourselves seven-fold and go back to your senders, in the name of Jesus

T – Take the battle to the gate of the enemy
U – Undo every burden and evil loads
V – Violent is required for total victory
W – Warfare prayers to be done daily
X – Examine your life daily to detect any open door
Y – Yield your life completely to God
Z – Zeal and aggression is needed for complete victory


  1. Blood of Jesus, I am available, overshadow my life, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Spirit of sickness assigned to battle my health, Blood of Jesus, destroy them, in the name of Jesus
  3. Thou power of disappointment, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus
  4. Powers going into darkness to scatter my life, fire of God, consume them, in the name of Jesus
  5. Powers that have dug a pit for me, enter your pit, in the name of Jesus
  6. My glory, in my ancestral home, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus
  7. Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise, change my hardship to history, in the name of Jesus
  8. Any rope, carrying my spiritual legs, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
  1. Blood of Jesus, I am available, overshadow my life, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Spirit of sickness assigned to battle my health, Blood of Jesus, destroy them, in the name of Jesus
  3. Thou power of disappointment, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus
  4. Powers going into darkness to scatter my life, fire of God, consume them, in the name of Jesus
  5. Powers that have dug a pit for me, enter your pit, in the name of Jesus
  6. My glory, in my ancestral home, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus
  7. Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise, change my hardship to history, in the name of Jesus
  8. Any rope, carrying my spiritual legs, catch fire, in the name of Jesus

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