Above Only Daily Devotional 28 May 2019 By Archbishop Margaret E. Benson Idahosa Topic: Grace to Build Your Home and Family
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Genesis 18:17-19 (GNB) And the Lord said to himself, “I will not hide from Abraham what I am going to do. His descendants will become a great and mighty nation, and through him I will bless all the nations. I have chosen him in order that he may command his sons and his descendants to obey me and to do what is right and just. If they do, I will do everything for him that I have promise.”
Both the virtues and the vices that prevail in our society can be greatly linked to the foundations that individuals received while being raised in their homes. This is one reason for the great attack against our homes and families today. God wants you and me to be more deliberate about guarding our homes and our families. God wants our children to be mighty. He wants to bless our nation and all the nations of the earth through us and our children. Like we saw yesterday, the way Moses was raised by his mother enhanced his ability to fulfill His divine destiny.
In Christ, we are empowered to raise a godly home. We must be deliberate like Joshua in deciding that we and our household will serve the Lord and follow His ways, Josh. 24:15. We must sincerely love, pray, watch over, discipline and be sensitive and diligent to ensure that everyone in our family is continually growing in the ways of the Lord. We must exemplify the life of Christ right in our homes. We must control things like the type of practices, entertainment and peer influences that prevail in our home. Uphold high moral standards and godly virtues in your home. Be more deliberate in advancing the kingdom of God through these mediums and others. Do not give up on your family. The grace and wisdom of God is sufficient for us to do all this and more. Esteem godly values and virtues more than anything else. The grace to be and to raise great leaders for our nation and the body of Christ is upon us today.
Lord, I receive Your grace to lead by example in my home and to keep and raise my family in the way that You desire me to.
Bible in one year reading plan: 2 Chronicles 4-6, John 10:24-42.
Bible Quiz Trivia By Faithwheel.com
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