Above Only Daily Devotional june 27 2019 By Archbishop Margaret E. Benson Idahosa Topic: Never Give Room to Sin, Sickness or the Devil
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Ecclesiastes 10:7 (GNB) I have seen slaves on horseback while noblemen go on foot like slaves.
Romans 5:17 (GNB) It is true that through the sin of one man death began to rule because of that one man. But how much greater is the result of what was done by the one man, Jesus Christ! All who receive God’s abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ.
Romans 6:16a (GNB) … when you surrender yourselves as slaves to obey someone, you are in fact the slaves of the master you obey…
You and I would be cheating ourselves and also despising the power of what Jesus has done for us in redemption if we continually allow the things that Jesus has given us dominion and authority over to rule over us. We have the power and authority to dominate ‘everything’ that began to dominate over man because of Adam’s sin and the fall. The dominion and authority that Adam lost in the garden has been restored to us. Hebrews 2:14-15 reveals that by tasting death for us, Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death over our lives. The devil no longer has the right to dominate our lives in any way; whether by sin, sickness or any other oppression. This does not mean that he will not try to.
If he ever attempts to dominate your life with anything that you know that Jesus has given you dominion over, arise by faith and dominate over that thing in the name of Jesus. The life that Jesus came to give unto you is the very same life that He has. He wants you to use this abundant life to live on this earth in the same way that He would if He were in your shoes. Receive what Jesus has done for you and enjoy it. Exercise the dominion you have over sin, sickness, the devil and over everything that attempts to stop you or limit you from doing exploits. Use the power and authority of Christ that God has given you. All power in Heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus and He has given you this power to go into the world to preach the gospel and to do exploits, Matt. 28:18-20. You are more than a conqueror.
Faith Declaration:
By virtue of the victory, power and dominion Christ has restored to me, sin, sickness and the devil have no place in my life.
Bible in one year reading plan: Job 8-1, Acts 8:26-40
Bible Quiz Trivia By Faithwheel.com
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