Above Only Daily Devotional june 9 2019 By Archbishop Margaret E. Benson Idahosa Topic: Grace to know the truth for yourself
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John 8:31-32 (NIV) To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31-32 (GNB) So Jesus said to those who believed in him, “If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The fact that you can quote the scripture does not mean that you know the truth. Even the devil can quote the scriptures. To know the truth, you have to believe God’s word, hold on to it, obey and practice it with all your heart. It is more than head knowledge; it is experiential knowledge. Knowing the truth requires personal study and meditation on God’s Word to verify what you have heard. It also requires believing with your heart and applying God’s word to your life by fully practicing it. This will cause God’s word to save your soul (James 1:21) and produce great fruit in your life.
As you practice God’s word, more of God’s life will be manifested in you. Without fully engaging in this process, you may keep learning God’s word but you may never come to the saving knowledge of the Truth, 2 Tim. 3:7. It takes a personal hunger and desire for God to know His truth. Jesus’ knowledge of the truth is what empowered Him to overcome the devil’s temptations, Matt. 4:1-11. Knowing the truth will also make it easier for you to recognize lies and falsehood, which you will hate and avoid. As such, you will be free form deception, Eph. 4:14. Instead of being exploited by the devil, you will do exploits. ‘The Truth’ is a person. Jesus is the Truth. In John 14:6, Jesus referred to Himself as ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life,’ confirming that no man can come unto the Father but by Him. To know the Truth, you must maintain a personal relationship with Jesus. In several scriptures like John 15:26 and John 16:13, Jesus described the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth. As you depend on the Holy Spirit, He will reveal Jesus to you and manifest Him in you.
Prayer Focus:
Tell God that you desire to know and grow in His Truth. Ask the Spirit of Truth to reveal and manifest Jesus in you.
Bible in one year reading plan: 2 Chronicles 32-33, John 18:19-40.
Bible Quiz Trivia By Faithwheel.com
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