Topic: What can bring peace and harmony? [Adrian Rogers Devotional 26 june 2019]

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Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent… Revelation 2:4-5a


The 1960s ushered in the sexual revolution. Now tell me one more time how “free love” was supposed to bring peace and harmony to our world? 

People are being sucked into swirling sewers of sin. Homes are coming apart at the seams. Precious little unborn babies are being put to death. Sexually transmitted diseases are rampant.

The time is half past late, and we must return to our “first love.” Our first love is the Lord, our Creator. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s time to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our minds; and love our neighbors as we love ourselves (see Matthew 22:36-39).

ACTION POINT:It’s time to introduce people to the “free love” offered by our Savior when He died to forgive us our sins and purchase our salvation for eternity.

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