Topic: How To Boost Your Courage (part 2) [Bishop David Abioye Devotional july 8 2019]

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Today: 2019-07-08

It is not just enough to set goals, you must have a plan to achieve it phase by phase. Success in life begins with planning. Progress and continuity also thrive on it. There is no accidental success in life; the expanse of your plan determines the height of your achievements. That means where there s no plan, there is no future. The future is reserved only for planners. If you are not a planner, you are not likely to make the most of your future. That is why planning makes the future better. You can only be as successful as your plan, because it takes planning to execute ideas and to systematically work out your projections. You must have a programme of duly scheduled activities that will lead to the achievement of your goals, otherwise frustration sets in. With good planning you can programme your way out of poverty into prosperity and out of calamity into peace.

Often, you hear people pray for God’s guidance in their endeavours. That is good because it is God’s duty to direct our ways, but we must understand that He often uses our devises or plans to direct us. The Holy Bible says, “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps” (Prov. 16:9). That means if you have no plans, you will suffer lack of direction. Most often, the answer you are looking up to God for or running around men for, is already deposited within you, it is in the process of devising that you draw it out. You don’t wait for your future, rather you embrace and beckon it by devising a way to get there.

– Meditate on these: Luke 14:28-29

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