Topic: UPROOT THAT WEED! (Part 2) [Bishop David Abioye Devotional june 22 2019]

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Today: 2019-06-22

Satan is free to suggest all manner of evil to your mind but he does not have the power to enforce them. If he did, he wouldn’t require your permission to do so. Evil imaginations only have the power to manifest in your life when you do nothing about them. Many people suffer all manner of calamities in life because they accepted the suggestions of satan to their minds. He goes to a student for instance and tells him, “Forget it, no matter how hard you read, you will fail this exams.” And the student remains cool, no reaction. So satan keeps establishing himself till his evil intention comes to pass.

Satan is not a man to deal with quietly, you have to give him fire for fire! Never allow his seed to get to the ground of your heart, cast it out before it has time to germinate. When a farmer sees weeds trying to grow around his crops, he immediately starts uprooting them. If you allow satan’s seed to grow, it will choke the word of God in your heart till the word becomes ineffective, and evil will begin to manifest around you. Whatever you don’t want to see grow in your life, as soon as satan suggests it to your mind, uproot it, cast it down!

Meditate on these: 2 Corinthians 4:4, Proverbs 4:23

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