– Bishop Mike Okonkwo August 3 2019 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you.”
Philippians 4:21 KJV

If you are born again, you are a saint. Therefore, don’t be afraid to call yourself a saint. There are some people who feel they are not. It is not a matter of feeling. The Bible says you are. There is something about declaring who you are. When you declare who you are, you will be. To be is to declare. When you declare it, something happens in the realm of the spirit. As a Saint, when you wake up in the morning thank God it’s a new day and declare who you are. Declare your day!  Prophesy to your day what you want it to be. Let the devil know that you know what the day will be like. Don’t let the devil determine what your day will be. The devil should not make appointment of death with you. You determine when you die. If you say it is not possible, God will honour your words.

The saints of old, when they were ready to die, they gathered their feet on the bed and they just went to sleep. Jacob blessed his children, then gathered his feet together and went to sleep. (Genesis 49:33). If it is possible for one, it is possible for another. Don’t put down what God has exalted. You are not a failure. There is something deposited in you by the Holy Ghost. All you need to do is call it forth.

You don’t know how much you can do unless you try. What’s wrong in trying? The Bible says, “It’s appointed unto man once to die, and after that, judgment”. It didn’t say the devil would make appointment of death for you. We should declare what we want our day to be like. Declare what your business should be like, because God has made you His oracle.

Further reading: Job 22:1-28, Matthew 18:1-18
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 63-65; Evening- Romans 6

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