TOPIC: GOD IS NOT IN TROUBLE – TREM Daily Devotional june 29 2019 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo [The RedeemedEvangelical Mission]

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“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall have them in derision. Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure”. Psalm 2:4-5 KJV

It is disappointing how some Christians reason. Do you know that some people think that God reacts?  They think that the devil would fire his best shot and God would be wondering:  what am I going to do now? No! The last time I behold Him, God is sitting down, laughing. Why is He laughing? Because He knows that the devil is wasting his time. Anyone that touches you has touched God. You are the apple of His eyes.

We serve a mighty God. If you understand this awesome God, you will not be intimidated or fear anything. The Bible tells us that He upholds all things by the Word of His power. When He shuts, no one opens! When He opens, no one shuts! He can kill and make alive. He can build and destroy. He can wound and heal. He is the God that laid the beams of His chambers upon the waters. He rides upon the wings of the wind like a chariot and stretches the heavens like a curtain. He laid the foundation stones of the earth and said it should never be moved. He is your Rock and your Shield.  He is your Buckler and your high and Strong Tower. The heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool. So, how dare you think that God can be defeated? How dare you think that enemy would hinder you from receiving what belongs to you?

Beloved, God will heal your body! He will turn your circumstance around for good. He will break the yoke of darkness. The enemy will bow before you because you serve the glorious God. His name is ‘I Am that I Am.’ Do not fear the devil or what he’s doing. The devil and his cohorts had been dealt with permanently. The enemy of your soul is a defeated foe. You are coming out victorious in Jesus’ Name.

Further Reading: Psalm 104:1-14; Psalm 114:1-8

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 14-16; Evening- Acts 9:22-43

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