TOPIC: THE GOD FACTOR WILL WORK FOR YOU – TREM Daily Devotional june 25 2019 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo [The RedeemedEvangelical Mission]
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“So then, it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.” Romans 9:16 KJV
There is a ‘God factor’ for the believer. I know it because I have seen this God do awesome things. If the devil had power, he could have killed me even before I came into Ministry. No one gave me a chance to live. They stood and watched me; expecting that I was going to fail. But many decades have passed and I am still around. The irony is that I did not even know the Bible as much as I know now. In my “foolishness”, all I knew was just to follow Jesus. Beloved, if you follow Jesus, you will not miss the way. I am telling you from the point of experience. I have proven Him personally. This God is all powerful.
In Genesis chapter 27, the blessing was for Esau, not Jacob. At least, that was what the father had in mind. But the mother heard what Isaac was saying to Esau and she decided to package the thing for Jacob. I don’t know about you, but personally, when I read the Bible, I ask questions. In this case, my question is, when Isaac had a doubt in his mind whether it was Esau or Jacob he was dealing with, should he not have sent for the other in order to confirm if somebody was lying? But he did not do that. And do not tell me it was a coincidence. There is no coincidence as far as God is concerned.
Somehow, a divine hand was orchestrating the blessing for Jacob. Unfortunately, Esau came back too late. And when he cried out, Isaac said, ‘I cannot change it because I have already opened my mouth and I cannot reverse it.’ Today, as a father in the Body of Christ, I bless you. Esau was to be blessed but he came late. You will never be late. You will never miss your opportunity. You will always be on time. The God factor will work for you.
Further reading: Genesis 27:1-40; Romans 9:11-16
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 3-4; Evening- Acts 7:44-60
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