Blockages To Hearing From God (Part 2) By Dr. D.K Olukoya -

Blockages To Hearing From God (Part 2) By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Dr. D.K. Olukoya

DATE: AUGUST 22, 2021


I would like you to listen attentively like you did last week. Last week I started to explain that the most important need for any child of God is to hear the voice of God constantly and regularly.

And that as a believer, the day you begin to hear the voice of God clearly is that day your progress begins. God is a communicator, He is always communicating. He wants to talk to us.

Whether you hear Him or not is another thing entirely. And like I told you last week, a man is born deaf to God. Nobody is born and begins to hear the voice of God just like that. It could happen but very rare.

And that for most of us, we have to learn how He speaks. God speaks:

  • In order to warn us of impending danger.
  • In order to give us pictures about our destiny.
  • In order to reveal the secrets of the enemy.
  • In order to correct you.
  • In order to ask you to carry out an assignment for Him like Jonah.
  • Sometimes to ask you to intercede for others.
  • Sometimes to ask you to work for Him.
  • Sometimes to just give you information just like He called Samuel. Samuel did not yet know that voice because He had not learnt it but He called him to give him information.
  • To ask questions.
  • To deliver a person from his problems.

I can give you analysis one by one of all these things but we do not have time for that now.

  • In order to teach you certain things. God can sit you down and teach you what nobody can teach you.
  • In order to reveal the past (something that could have happened even before you were born).
  • In order to reveal the present to you.
  • In order to reveal the future to you.
  • In order to caution you.
  • In order to heal you.
  • In order to bring you from darkness to light.

So, you can see that it is a disaster when you cannot hear Him speak or you are not hearing from God. A scenario where they have placed three job opportunities before you. Which one do you want to take?

You need to hear the voice of God. Or you are a lady and you have 4 men coming to meet you, each person saying “God said” you are their wife. If God does not talk to you, you will be confused.


This is why I want you to raise up your right hand this morning and pray with a loud voice because this would solve so many problems if you can hear God clearly.


  1. Power of spiritual deafness, I am not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus
  2. I fire back every arrow of spiritual blindness in the name of Jesus.

Not hearing from God is the father of confusion. This makes me remember the song we were taught in primary school:
“I shall never be confused, I shall never be confused, I shall never be, I shall never be, I shall never be confused”.

I am praying for anyone here that the enemy may be trying to confuse, may the arrow of confusion backfire in the name of Jesus.

Jesus said “my sheep”, He did not say “the pastor, or bishop or general overseer”. He said “my sheep hear my voice and they follow me.” So, hearing from God is not something for spiritual giants alone.

God wants all of us to daily communicate with Him. Infact as a matter of fact, it is abnormal for you as a Christian not to hear from God. But the good news of the new covenant is what you find in Hebrews 8:11.

The goodnews in that scripture says that everyone will know God. We will not need to be saying “know the Lord” that we have been preaching to people, everyone has to know, you must know, you have a right to know the Lord.

The question is, how do you now know the Lord? This is where you have to listen very carefully.

God speaks to your spirit, not to your brain. You know God Himself is a Spirit. Many times, it is the brains of people that are talking to them.

The human mind is like a busy market or as a radio turned on full blast. We hear from God in our human mind deep in the core of our being. Just like a natural life, we communicate to others in various ways.

When you speak verbally to somebody, you are communicating. You can wave, invite somebody with your hand, nod your head, make some facial expressions, or a certain look in your eye can get the message.

Just like somebody can communicate physically to others, the same way God has many ways of communicating with us. So all believers must have one way that God talks to them.

Many come and say “well I want to marry.” I say, “have you prayed?” They say “no but I have peace in my mind”. It is not by peace, did God speak to you?

Those who are honest will say “sir I do not know how God speaks to people”. Then we begin to address it.

In what way does God speak to man?

  1. God can speak to you by dreams. Instructions by dreams. God can warn you in the dream, just like Joseph. In the dream God said “take the child and go to Egypt”. All the destiny of Joseph was revealed to him in the dream.
  2. God can speak to you by visions.There are 3 kinds of visions:
  • Open Visions: you are not sleeping, your eyes are wide open and you are seeing things. We call that, open visions.
  • Spiritual Vision: you are praying, your eyes are closed but you can see the thing in the eyes of your spirit. You are conscious, you know what is going on around you, but you are seeing in your spirit.
  • Trance: when your physical senses are suspended. You are unconscious of your body but you have the trance.

So in the arena of visions, those are the three types.

I am praying for all of you hearing me this morning that you will receive the gifts of the ears of Samuel and the eyes of Elisha in the name of Jesus.

  1. God can speak to you by sending angels to you. The trouble is this, we have a conception about angels that is not right.

Many believe that angels must be white in colour and must have big feathers or wings. It is a very wrong conception. Infact, it has no basis in scriptures. That is what most of us are made to believe.

Just like we were made to believe that the devil is a black, ugly creature with horns. It has no style in scripture. Infact by the stand of scriptures, lucifer is a very beautiful person.

By the stand of scriptures, it could jolly well be that that person sitting beside you whom you do not know could actually be an angel of the living God. So, they can take our form.

The Bible said in Hebrews 13:2 that some men entertained angels unawares. How can you entertain an angel unawares? It is because he is not coming to you like a heavenly being.

Angels just communicate. God communicates by angels.

That is why I am decreeing upon the life of somebody here, the angels that will bring your breakthroughs this month shall locate you by fire in the name of Jesus.

  1. God speaks to people by what you call a still small voice. It is like wearing a headphone, put your headphones and turn it on.

Elijah was used to that still small voice. There was a wind: not the voice of God; there was earthquake: not the voice of God; there was fire: but not the voice of God. With all those things, Elijah did not come out, he remained inside his cave.

Immediately he heard the still small voice, he wrapped his face and came to the front of the cave and the voice spoke “what are you doing here Elijah?”

Some people after praying for long, notice their ears buzzing; like a ringing sound in their ears and they sometimes ignore. Sometimes when things are like that, it means the Almighty wants to talk to you but there is a blockage somewhere. You cannot hear.

The voice and the words of the Lord will sound in your ears but only for you. God talks like that in a still small voice.

  1. God can talk to a person in an audible voice; an outer voice. The voice sounds like others around you must have heard. You will think they heard but they cannot hear.

It could be so loud that you might ask around “excuse me, did you speak?” That was the kind of voice Samuel heard. “Samuel, Samuel”. He ran to Eli.

The voice was so loud that it was as if someone was calling him from afar. He ran and said “did you call me?” Eli replied “no, I did not call you”. He went back to bed until the voice came again. An audible voice like that can come.

It is the way God talks to people. Not everybody, but He talks to people like that.

One thing is this, and I want you to understand this very well: Christianity is a supernatural religion. God is a God of the supernatural. You must always expect the supernatural to happen.

So, God talks to people in an audible voice. If you now receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you have increased your value in connecting to the value of heaven. That is why we keep emphasizing on the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

When you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts begin to operate in your life, then God too begins to use you. He begins to speak to you in a new way.

That is why you hear somebody who has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost begin to talk about word of knowledge. If you have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, God can give you a gift of the word of knowledge.

You will know facts about something. You will supernaturally receive information about the past, present and future. You will receive information about a place, person, a thing or a situation.

But this happens only after you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Also, when you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you can receive another gift called word of wisdom.

In that one, God shows you a problem or a need, and the way to solve it. That is word of wisdom. This one will not happen if you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

So, word of knowledge and word of wisdom are ways God talks to people but for those who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

If you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there is something called discerning of spirit which you may receive. That is, you know the kind of spirit operating in a person, place or situation and you deal with the situation. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit.

So, if you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you are missing so many things. When you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you can receive the gift of prophecy too.

The message will bubble within you, boils over from you. There can be a personal prophecy by yourself, prophecy from outside. God speaks through prophecies.

That is why the Bible says anybody who is speaking in an unknown tongue is not speaking unto men but unto God. So one way you can strengthen the voice of God in your life is to allow the gift of Holy Spirit in you to develop and increase.

It opens new chapters unto your spiritual life. So if you are here this morning, you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you do not speak in tongues, you just come and go, you are what we can call “a trunkless elephant”.

So, if you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you shut all these gifts (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirit, prophecy) away from your life.

This is where we are going to stop this morning. We will continue next time. This is a school on Sunday, and this is why you have to listen very carefully; because these are destiny teachings which when you grab, may save you thousands of prayer points because you know what to do.


  1. Open my eyes O Lord! Open my ears O Lord in the name of Jesus.
  2. Pick any song of praises and sing to God.
  3. Boasting powers assigned against my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  4. Powers waiting to say it is finished for me, what are you waiting for? Die in the name of Jesus.
  5. Mysterious dreams about backwardness, lose your hold in the name of Jesus.
  6. Destiny assassins, you cannot destroy my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.
  7. Battles assigned to convert me to a living dead, scatter in the name of Jesus.
  8. Powers sending me away from meeting the right people, die in the name of Jesus.
  9. [Pray this 7 times]:
    My unending laughter, appear in the name of Jesus.
  10. My head, hear the word of the Lord, arise and shine in the name of Jesus.
  11. Arrows fired into my head, backfire in the name of Jesus.

God bless you in Jesus name.

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