Topic: Do Fathers Really Matter? [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional june 16 2019]

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Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Families are struggling today, and this has been happening for decades. Although there are many theories as to why, the best solution is found in God’s Word. After all, He designed the family to be the foundational unit of society, and He knows best how it should operate. No family goes without hardship, but God’s principles can help people navigate those ups and downs in a way that glorifies Him.

Scripture clearly teaches that the Lord has entrusted headship in the home to the husband and father (1 Corinthians 11:3). This doesn’t mean that men are superior or more spiritual than women (Gal. 3:27-28); it simply shows that God, in His sovereign wisdom, has given them different roles.  Even though our culture may find this offensive, it doesn’t change God’s ordained order, nor does it excuse fathers who abdicate this role. 

According to Scripture, the father’s responsibility is to lead his family physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Most dads work hard to provide for material needs, and many give the family adequate time and love. But how many are diligent to lead spiritually?

Dads are responsible for teaching their children to read Scripture and pray, as well as for modeling righteousness. Wives and churches contribute to the spiritual training of children, too, but fathers will be held accountable to the Lord for spiritual leadership.

Although this assignment is daunting, God has provided both His Spirit and His Word to guide and empower dads to accomplish it. When fathers take their rightful place, family relationships will improve.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 29-34

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