Crushing The Emptiers By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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This morning, we have a strange spirit to deal with, and it is good that you listen to me carefully. Whether you are young or old, this is a spirit you should not joke with.

Whether you have been long in church or you are just coming, this is something you cannot be playing with, at all.

Nahum 2:2 – “For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches.

We are battling a power called “THE EMPTIERS”. You need to crush them before they crush you and stop them before they stop you.

It is a fact of scripture and a fact of history that strong men grow by troubles. So, the battle you face is according to the height you are getting to.

I am telling you this, this morning so that you know how to war when the time comes. The best soldiers that God has produced, He produced them from the university of affliction.

That is where He brought them out. What a man sometimes needs to get ahead is a powerful enemy. When you have a powerful enemy, then you start running.

That is sometimes what a man needs to get ahead. Many would not have become experts in the school of prayer if they had no enemies pursuing them.

If some sisters had married very good husbands, they would not become prayer warriors. When they married somebody who will slap them as good morning or when she says “I am talking to you”, he says “shut up!”, then they start praying.

“And my mom warned me not to marry this man o”, then they start praying and become prayer warriors. The enemy pursued some of us and pursued us into our breakthroughs.

So sometimes what a man needs to get ahead is a powerful enemy. Get yourself ready because warfare is inevitable in the spirit.

=> I am praying for you that the stone the enemy is throwing in your path to defeat you will become your stepping stones to defeat the enemy. Although they say you have a great problem, your great problem shall bring great testimonies. All the irritation they are bringing against you shall become elevation in the name of Jesus.

One of the spirits that strips people of their beauty but leaves them alive and undecorated is the spirit of the emptiers. They clear away virtues and empty a person completely.

You may find this very very difficult to believe but there is a place where native doctors go, when they need sperms/semen from men. They use it to gather away men’s virtues.

There are prostitutes working hand in hand with these native doctors to transfer these things to them. There is no accidental sex. It is a spiritual transaction and one way the emptiers have used to clear away people’s virtues is through the avenue of sex.

You will say you are having fun but of a truth, you are not really having fun; you are draining your virtues. Many have lost their virtues like this because all forms of sex outside marriage is an agenda of the emptiers.

Their agenda is just to empty them. I feel very sad as I stand before you this morning that a lot of children that are sent to the campus to study have been emptied by the powers of the emptiers that are bombarding the campuses.

So, the emptiers clear away virtues. The emptiers will cause the loss of beauty and glory.

=> I am praying for a sister here, the power that has stolen your beauty and your glory, if they do not return it within 24 hours, they shall die violently in the name of Jesus.

These emptiers make you to have a temple without gold. They make you to have a palace without its gold and the silver. They allow you to stay alive only if you forfeit your silver and gold to them, and the person becomes a shadow of what he used to be.

The spirits of the emptiers cause loss of decoration. God decorates you from your mother’s womb, sent you to this earth; because there is nobody born on earth that does not come with a star; but then, they clear away the decorations.

=> I am praying for somebody here, your star that has been stolen when you were in the womb or when you were a baby or when you were an unbeliever; by fire, by force, repossess them now in the name of Jesus!

The spirits of the emptiers reduce a royal past to a shameful skeleton. The fine furniture is now reduced to wood and stones. They reduce people to ugly shadows of their glorious past.

The powers of the emptiers ensure that a person would never have peace whenever he is prospering. Whenever money comes into his hand, the problems that will wipe it will come. They never have peace when they prosper.

Crisis after crisis. All those things they have, have been sold out and there is nothing more to sell.

=> I am praying for somebody here that the serpentine siren blowing your possessions away shall backfire in the name of Jesus.

The emptiers are the powers that will tell a person “you may stay alive only if you forfeit all your gold and silver to us”. They are the powers that say “you may retain your beautiful face and your good figure, but just surrender your virtues and your wealth”.

All money will now go away mysteriously. The person will become sick, all the money will be used to treat the sickness. Immediately the person is now broke, health will mysteriously return. That is the end.

Storms will only cease when the pocket dries up. Those are the emptiers. They are the powers ensured to make a person history while he is still living.

People will say “when brother so so and so was brother so so and so or when sister so so and so was sister so so and so” because of those powers. You do not joke with them at all.

The powers of the emptiers:

  • Are glory swallowers.
  • Convert clothes to rags.
  • Make people to go beyond limits to scrap resources they do not even have, and so the person keeps going into debt. The person wakes up every morning feeling sad.

They convert the person to a debt payer when the Bible says “owe no man anything”. They reduce the person to dust and ashes

When the emptier is in place, it is then a person will see somebody in the dream who will say “look here, you will not enjoy the fruit of your labour” and the person cannot even tell the other person to shut up.

  • Ensure that a woman marries a deficit and therefore becomes an empty shell later.
  • Is a kingdom of evil that works very hard to make us poor. They create debts we never owe. They are the ones that move a person from grace to grass. They make people to journey from head to tail.

They make people to be removed suddenly from a place of honour to a place of disgrace.

  • Are downgrading and demoting powers.
  • Are powers that convert princes to servants and your juniors becoming your seniors.

It is the powers of the emptiers that glue a person to a destiny killing name. They will stick to the name like glue.

In every culture, names are important. Names are important to God. Names are important to satan. Names are important to people. The fact that a name is a white man’s name does not mean it is a good name.

Some of the meanings of these names are very bad, by the time you begin to look at them. Names like Linda are bad. Linda means “serpent”. Belinda means “beautiful serpent”.

Names like Gladys, Cecilia are all bad and they have terrible meanings. There are plenty of bad names too that people bear. There are spirits behind names that have to do with somebody’s destiny.

The name “Job” in the Bible means “afflicted, tormented, tortured”. Unfortunately, the man did not have the knowledge that that name needed to be changed; because anytime you say “Job!” What you are saying is “afflicted” and he will say “yes?”

So any time that name is called, they are making a prophetic proclamation into your life. There are spirits behind names. Names have to do with destiny. A wrong name can destroy your destiny forever.

God Himself is the first person who begins to give people names when they are born. He changes people’s names when He finds out that that name is affecting them.

He said “you shall no longer be called Abram, you shall be called Abraham”. He changed the name completely. Before Jesus was born, He said “you shall deliver a child and thou shall call his name Jesus Christ”.

If they gave him another name apart from that one that God gave, the assignment of Jesus would not be carried out. When John was about to be born too, he said “thou shall call his name John”.

Your name speaks about your assignment on earth. It speaks about your character. But it is an entity. It can bring you death or blessing. Your name can fight your destiny. Your name can withstand your blessings.

You must also be careful of any nickname that anybody gives you. How do you hope to fulfil your destiny when they are calling you “opelenge” (somebody that is thin). How do you do it?

So, your name could be the lawyer you have hired against yourself. It could be the captain you have asked to come and sink your own ship.

So if you have a bad name, change it physically and spiritually and you would be surprised at what will begin to happen in your life.


  1. Discouragement must die. Any form of discouragement allows the emptiers to empty you more. Discouragement is a devastating enemy.

It is a power that defeats. It would bring a disconnection between you and God and between you and your breakthrough. When discouragement dies, his twin brother Worry, will dies with it.

Then, you now begin to pray one of the most powerful prayers in the word of God. One of the most powerful prayers in scriptures is what you find in Psalms 68:1.

“Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered.” We pray that prayer from Psalms 68:1. But that prayer was not an original prayer of David.

The prayer did not originate from the Psalmist. It originated from Moses in the wilderness. As the children of Israel moved in the wilderness from place to place in their tents.

In those tents, their families and materials were there. In those tents, everything was there. Anytime God said “Moses, it is time to move”, all that Moses would do was to walk out and say “Rise up Lord and let thine enemies be scattered and let them that hate thee flee”.

Immediately Moses made that pronouncement, all the priests would spring into action. They would begin to dismantle the tabernacle. They would know it was time to move. They would know it was time to follow the cloud.

And when they got to a place where they would rest, Moses would raise his voice and say “Return O Lord unto the many thousands of Israel”.

So, he had an evacuation cry. He had a location cry. So, the cry “let God arise” is a powerful prayer because it is loaded. It is a cry for a change, for a forward progress. A cry for moving from one location to another.

A cry for changing your level, territory, for a fresh touch or move of God, a cry to the God of possibilities, a cry to arise above the minimum. A cry to arise above the problem the enemy is bringing you into.

A cry to move forward and possess your possessions. A cry that without God, you cannot do anything. So when you say “O God arise” and that voice rings like that into heavens, it is a battle cry to the host of heavens.

Just like the days of tabernacle in the wilderness, the cloud will arise immediately Moses said “Rise up O Lord, let thy enemies be scattered”. The cloud that used to lead the Israelites would move into the sky again and begin to move and the people would begin to follow the cloud at that cry.

The only cry that punctures the emptiers is the cry of “O God arise”. I believe there will be somebody here this morning who would be able to cry out from the heart saying:

=> O God arise and let the emptiers be scattered! (Shout it three (3) times)

Prayer Rain
[Before Ministration Prayers By Daddy GO]

  1. Power of death assigned against my progress, die in the name of Jesus.
  2. Serpents that pursued my parents and are now pursuing me, hear the word of the Lord, die in the name of Jesus.

[After Ministration Prayers]

  1. O God arise, destroy the works of darkness in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  2. O God arise, let the emptiers scatter, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Power of the grave assigned to steal my virtues, power of the cemetery assigned to steal from me, I stand here today and I decree by the decree of heaven that you must let me go. Everything you have stolen from me, this morning I repossess them, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Emptiers mocking my God, emptiers challenging my breakthroughs, die in the name of Jesus.
  5. Wherever I have been emptied, O God arise, fill me up, in the name of Jesus.
  6. My stolen virtues, hear the word of the Lord, come back now, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Domestic wickedness saying no to my breakthroughs, die in the name of Jesus.
  8. Agenda of disgrace, agenda of mockery assigned against my progress, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  9. In the presence of my enemies O God, arise, advertise your power in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Family bondage challenging my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  11. Power of get and lose, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.

God bless you in Jesus name.

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