Dedication To God by Pastor Paul Enenche

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ANCHOR SCRIPTURE(S): PSALM 89:19-21; MARK 12:29-30


  1. Understanding the purpose of dedication to God
  2. Understanding the meaning of dedication to God
  3. Understanding the profit of dedication to God

Dedication to God is a non-negotiable duty of humanity.
Scriptures make it clear that Dedication to God is a non-negotiable obligation of man to God.


  1. Man was created by God and for God, for His pleasure (Rev. 4:11)
  2. Man’s creation was not man’s design so man’s existence cannot follow man’s design (Isa. 43:21)
    We did not decide to be created so we cannot decide how to function
  3. Man’s greatest potential comes out of his unity with and commitment to God (Acts 4:13)
    The best of man comes out of man’s unity with God and commitment to God
    Just as fishes can’t do well without water, and birds can’t do well without the sky, man can’t do well without Jehovah
    The manure for man is in God; the survival of man is inside God
    The best of man is unleashed in connection with God
    As the best of man is unleashed in connection with God, the worst of man is unleashed in disconnection from God
    Inside of God, you gain wings to fly


  1. Dedication implies going all the way with God (Gen. 12:1-5, 11:31-32; Ex. 10:24-25)
    It is those who are ready to go far with God that go far in life
  2. Dedication implies making God the Centre of your life, the reason for your existence (Phil. 1:21; Gen. 14:19)
    The real reason for meaningful living is where God is central
  3. Dedication implies the absolute ownership of one’s life by God (Gen. 14:19; Acts 17:28)
    It is giving God the license to own your life and whatever makes up your life
    It means using your time, money, talent, looks, only in the direction that can glorify God
    This year, God is calling you to a deeper dimension of dedication to Him so you can see a deeper dimension with God
  4. Dedication implies unconditional commitment to God (Job 13:15; Dan. 3:16-18)
    If you depend on what God does or does not do for you, you haven’t started
    It is better to sink with God than shine without Him
  5. Dedication implies a relationship with God where nothing and nobody is allowed to come in between you and God (Gen. 12:1-5)
    In your relationship with God, you are ready to give up any relationship or appointment that clashes between you and your relationship with God
  6. Dedication implies taking sides with God when everyone else is on the other side (Ex. 32:26)
    If you can make the decision to stand with God, your history can be rewritten and destiny reshaped
    Dedication means you are ready to stand alone with God even the whole world is standing on the other side against you and your God
    Dedication means you are ready to walk alone if that is what it means to walk with God
    It is better to ‘sink’ with God than to shine without Him, but you can never sink with God
  7. Dedication implies the wholehearted pursuit of God; a heart that is united in the pursuit of God (Ps. 86:11; 42:1-2)
  8. Dedication implies deadly commitment to God (Job 13:15; Ruth 1:16-17)
    Deadly commitment to God means backsliding or changing of mind is not an option
  9. Dedication implies living as a representative of God and His Kingdom to your generation (1Kgs. 17:1; Dan. 6:4-10)
    Dedication is existing as the visible representative of the invisible God to your generation
    If those in your family, your office and your neighbourhood don’t know that you are a Christian, then you are not yet
  10. Dedication implies living or existing to defend the cause of God in your generation (Num. 25:7-13)
    You exist to serve the interest of God in your generation
    It is not in your presence that the Name of the Lord will be castigated
  11. Dedication implies living for the pleasure of God (Rev. 4:11; 1Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22)
    The real dedicated child of God pleases his Maker
  12. Dedication implies addiction to God (Phil. 1:21; Ps. 42:1-2)
    There is no dedication without addiction
    Addiction to God means survival is impossible without God
    If you are addicted to God, there is nothing you can’t give u for your pursuit of God


  1. Dedication to God brings both the Unction and elevation to life (Ps. 89:19-20)
    We are not all at the same level of lifting because we are not all at the same level of commitment
    Your commitment will guarantee your anointing and your lifting
    Your level of commitment determines your level of anointing and lifting
    If we are not at the same level of dedication, we can never be on the same level of lifting in life
    Give God the worth He requires; prove to him that you are committed to Him and He will prove to you that He is a Lifter of people
  2. Dedication to God brings distinction to life (1Sam. 16:13, 17, 21; Mal. 3:17-18)
    Your dedication to God will set you apart and put you in a class of your own
    To take a stand with God is to stand out in life
    If it is our year of unusual ‘shiftings’ and ‘liftings’, then it is our year of unusual dedication to God!


Father, I come before You today, to go all the way with You, to make You the Centre of my life, that You will own me completely. Help me Lord to worship and serve You without condition and I receive the grace for commitment and dedication, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I dedicate myself to be a builder in Your Kingdom. I receive the grace to be a Kingdom builder now, Lord in Jesus’ Name. (Isa. 45:1-3,13; Zech. 1:17)

Father, I receive the grace to build Your cities. I receive the Cyrus anointing, the builder’s anointing, I receive it NOW, in Jesus’ Name. (Isa. 45:1-3,13; Zech. 1:17)

Father, I receive higher grace by the Communion and Anointing for dedication, and for the elevation and lifting that follows dedication. I receive Now, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I receive the grace to be committed, the grace to have a relationship with You where nobody and nothing can come in between, the grace to take sides with You and to pursue You wholeheartedly, the grace for deadly commitment, I receive it Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


Communion for passion and dedication to God that will lead to the Anointing, lead to your lifting and lead to distinction



  • As you give yourself in absolute dedication to God in 2020, I prophesy your drastic, dramatic and dimensional shift in level in the Name of Jesus!
  • By the reason of this Anointing, the level the devil has kept you, you are leaving there and every embargo and limitation placed on your life is scattered right now. Move to the next level in Jesus’ Name
  • Every embargo that limited your destiny is broken by the Anointing!
  • Whatever you are trusting God for, by the release of this Oil, I announce to you, CONGRATULATIONS!
  • As you commit to God in dedication, I decree and announce, your level is changing after now!


  • Every demon of reproach looking for you is arrested!
  • Everything the enemy has planted in your life that my Father in Heaven has not planted is uprooted by the power of the Anointing!
  • Receive your shift in all levels and dimensions!
  • What you have been asking God for is done!
  • Every affliction, agenda of the spirit of hell is cancelled
  • Every roadblock is dismantled in Jesus’ Name
  • The agenda of God for your family is cancelled
  • This week, the things that Jehovah has programmed for you this year will start arriving!

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