Deeper Christian Life Ministry – Search The Scripture 14th Sunday, March 2021 (Lesson 991)

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor Kumuyi

Topic: Plea For Deliverance From The Enemy (STS 14 March 2021)

MEMORY VERSE: Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man. (Psalm 71:4)

TEXT: PSALMS 69 to 72

In the preceding chapter, the psalmist extolled God’s omnipotence. compassion, mercy and goodness to His people, especially in times of affliction and distress. He also predicted the Messiah’s ascension and His future triumph. This study, however focuses on David’s agonizing prayer for deliverance. His exhortation to praise God for the salvation of His people and his prayer for Solomon for divine wisdom, justice and righteousness. The psalmist’s attitude on this occasion conveys useful lessons to believers in trying moments.

We should eschew murmuring, complaints, complacency and despair at such moments and cultivate the attitude of praise and prayer that are known means of securing divine interventions in our lives, families and ministries. Whatever the challenges and troubles we encounter in life, we must understand that “many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all”. Psalm 4:19. So, we should always act like David pray and praise God.

Psalm 69:1-29; 70:1-5; 71:1; 13; 7:1,2; 1:15; Rom 1:9,10; 2 Tim 4:6-18

“Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: 1 am come into deep water, where the floods overflow me…” (Psalm 69:1-3). David pleaded with God to deliver him from deep waters. Deep waters and mire are figurative of great troubles and sin. It was a description of one who has gone through long praying, fasting and mourning. “…I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes: fail while I wait for my God” (Psalm 69;3).

There are lessons (or contemporary believers from the experience of the psalmist.
i. We are to commit the keeping of our soul to God through heartfelt prayer in order not to drown or sink in despair during trials.

ii. Perseverance in prayer is imperative until answer comes. Many believers pray in times of affliction but do not tarry till deliverance comes (Psalm 27:14). iii. Christ is our refuge and in Him, we have solid ground on which we can stand in times of adversity, all other ground is sinking sand that will only leave us in the desolate beach of anxiety and disappointment.
iv. There is need for self- examination and seeking God (or forgiveness in tunes of adversary if we have missed our way David realized that every art of sin is foolishnessand confessed his sins before God at this critical moment. “ O God, thou knowest foolishness; and my sin. Are not hid from thee” (Psalm 69:5). He recognized that his nearness to God and the manifestation of God’s power were the only remedy for safety iron strong and powerful enemies. His faith in God was very resolute. The enemies reproached him for his zeal for God. His plea for deliverance from these enemies was from a burdened heart because he was pained by the oppression of the heathen. He captured his state as that of a drowning man who struggles desperately for help to safety (Psalm 69:15).

Mockery and reproaches are lots of the righteous because ~their good works indict the ungodly. The archenemy, Satan, stirs up opposition in an attempt to frustrate the divine purpose of God. He does not want the true gospel to reach the sinner. He would rather make sinners to hate the saints, oppress them and label them as evil. The Jewish elders never appreciated God, they condemned Him for breaking their traditions and rejected His healings and deliverances done on Sabbath days. The Lord forewarned that every disciple will suffer like his master (John 15:20).

Question 1: What should be a believer’s attitude in times of distress?

In David’s prayer for deliverance, he prophetically captured the period and the experiences of the Messiah. Several Scriptures in our passage have double fulfilment in both David and Christ. David’s experiences foreshadowed those the Lord Jesus Christ went through. “They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered lily face. I am: become a stranger unto my brethren. and an alien unto my mother’s children. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me… They that sit in the gate! Speak against me, and I was the song of the drunkards” (Psalm 69:4-12).

Both David and our Lord Jesus Christ suffered reproaches and attacks from friends and enemies. They were hated without a cause. Saul pursued David; Absalom, his son, drove him from the throne; Ahitopbel, his friend. connived with his enemies to seek his fall and destruction. Joab and Abiathar were a thorn in his flesh. Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered shame and ridicule from friends and foes. The scribes and the Pharisees persecuted Him and wrongfully accused Him of casting nut demons by Beelzebub. The Jews rejected Him and Judas Iscariot betrayed Him. Those He came to redeem bruised and crucified Him. However, both David and Christ prayed for their enemies to trying moments [Psalm 35: 12, 13; Luke 23:34).

“For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up”. This was quoted by David and about Christ [Psalm 69: 9; John 2: 17) David was conscious of his sins. He said, “…my sins are not hid from thee” (Psalm 69:5). Christ Jesus knew no sin (1 Peter 2:21,22) but the sins of the world was laid on Him (Isaiah 53:6; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 John3:5). Both prayed to God for help in times of anguish (Psalm 69:18; Matthew 26:38,39).

However, present-day believers are not to pray for the destruction of their supposed enemies and persecutors but for their conversion. Christ said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matt 5:44).

Question 2: State the similarities between the experiences of David and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Psalms 69:30-36; 71:14-24; 72:18,19; 2 Chro 20:21,22; Isaiah 12: 1; 1 Thess 5:18; Psalm 107:22; Acts 16:25,2; Phil 4:6

Despite the deep waters around David, he praised God and urged all to give the sacrifices of praise to Him. Praises and thanksgiving are very important in the lives of believers. The Scripture admonishes us to praise God at all times. “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Phil 4:6). In times of problems and trials, believers should cultivate the attitude of praises and thanksgivings. These are proven weapons against the enemies and their cohorts. Praises will bring God’s power down into your situation and give you the needed victory. Paul and Silas prayed and praised God at midnight in the prison and He gave them deliverance {Acts 16:23-26}.

Jehoshaphat appointed singers who praised the Lord in the midst of battle and God set ambushment against the enemies and discomfited them. Believers must learn to praise God despite the raging storm Praises and thanksgiving focus our minds on God. Praise recalls God’s past provision, thus strengthening our faith for His future deliverance. It prompts Him into instant action, change the spiritual climate around us and manifest His presence.

Question 3: Why should believers praise God in times of adversity?

David traced God’s care for him from the womb and he trusted Him. He referred to his knowledge of God from a tender age and his holy commitment to declare His marvelous works before others This poses a lesson to young people who spend their youthful years in pursuit of mundane things They run after t heir perceived greener pastures and neglect fellowship and evangelism. The psalmist’s continual victory over every trial on all sides made him as “a wonder unto many”.

David, now advanced in age, looked forward to possible problems of old age when he may not be able to engage his strong enemies actively in battles. He had given the best of his youth to God’s service as a warrior and singer. He, therefore, prayed, “Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth” (Psalm 71:9). He knew some enemies may forecast to attack him when age had weakened him. There is the tendency to feel forsaken by God in the face of mockery by persecutors.

i. The common worries at old age are possible health failures.
ii. Nearness to death like Isaac who sought to bless his first born, Esau. before he died but outlived twenty years of Jacob’s sojourning with Laban (Gen 35:29). iii. Survival of generation of children (Eccl 2:18,9).
iv. People of God as was the nation of Israel which was prone to backsliding (Num 27:15-17).
v. Having the assurance that one pleases God till the end one’s life. Believers should never drop their scriptural conviction at old age. When strength fails and troubles are still unceasing, the aged believer is counselled to hold onto his faith. He should remember his earlier faithfulness to God’s service; recall God’s unfailing mercies, guidance, provision, protection and help; hope in God to sustain him in the latter days; believe in His promise: “I will not forsake thee”; and expect and trust God to send His holy angels to usher him to glory (Luke 6:22).

With assurance that God will grant his request, David closed in with a vow: “My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt” (Psalm 71 :24)

Psalm 72:1-20; Isaiah 11:4; 11:69; 6:20; Habakkuk 2:14

“Give the king thy judgments O God and thy righteousness unto the king’s son” (Psalm 72:1). David asked God to give Solomon wisdom, righteousness and the ability to lead His people aright. The Scripture says, “when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Prov 29:2). This is instructive for parents to pray for their children to succeed in all matters pertaining to lite and godliness ‘The prayer of David was answered as Solomon had a reputation of being the wisest king, and kings and queens brought him gifts and presents (Psalm 72.10; 2 Chro 9:1). Howbeit, King Solomon’s wisdom was corrupted when he deviated from the way of the Lord and married strange women who turned his heart from Him (Neh 13.26). His sad end is a warning to contemporary believers. Truly, the end of a matter is of more importance than the beginning. Starting the Christian race is good but finishing well is better. We must remain in the center of God’s will if we want to finish strong.

Question 4: What should be the duties of parent to ensure their children live godly and succeed in life?

The prayers of David are also prophetic. They point to the millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ. “The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hill, by righteousness He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth”.

After the rapture, our Lord Jesus Christ shall come with His saints to reign on the earth for a thousand years. This is the millennial reign of Christ which shall usher in a period of peace and righteousness. He shall judge the people in righteousness and justice, and cause righteousness to flourish He will rule with universal dominion and bless men “as. showers that water the earth”.

His reign will be a reign of peace and believers shall reign with Him. To be qualified to reign with the Lord, one must be born again, live a holy life and be rapture-ready.

Question 5: State what would characterize the millennial reign of Christ and how one can be part of it.

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