Deliverance of The Blood By Pastor D.K Olukoya

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Anchored Scriptures: 1 Kings 11:1-6, 2 Chronicles 11:21, Leviticus 17:11&14, Psalm 139:14, Revelation 6:10, Luke 11:51, Exodus 12


We are looking at a critical topic and a very important one, which requires serious and violent prayers. It is called ‘deliverance of the blood’.

Let’s look at some scriptures and look at some scriptural examples, just a few of them.

David was a man who had issues with women. David was a man who took another man’s wife, in-spite of the fact that he had many wives and concubines. David gave birth to Solomon, let’s take the story from Solomon.

2 Chronicles 11:21, Jerobaoh also had a son called Abijah, let’s see what happened to Abijah.

2 Chronicles 13:21, you can see the flow because it’s in the blood.

However, in Leviticus 17:11; this is a very deep statement! It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

Characteristics of the blood:
Listen carefully beloved:

  • Blood is the fluid of growth and health.
  • Blood distribute the needed nutrients to all parts of the body.
  • Blood is the sustainer of life in the body.
  • Blood is a living liquid, blood is actually alive.
  • That blood that is running in your vein, is the carrier of oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.
  • Blood is what conveys digested food substances to various parts of the body.
  • Blood helps in the maintenance of a constant body temperature.
  • Blood helps in excreting waste materials from the body.
  • Blood is an agent of purification, it purifies the body.
  • Blood helps to maintain the water content of the body, so that it’s not too much or too small.
  • Blood acts as security patrol in the body, moving around in the body; destroying agents of infirmity and diseases.

But spiritually, your destiny is in your blood, we are born of the blood, we exist by the blood, and we will cease to exist the day that blood ceases to flow. It is very crucial that you understand this.

In every blood, whether you understand this or you know it or not; their are commitments and dedication of ancestors.

The blood is a mysterious element of human life, very very mysterious and irreplaceable.
That’s why the issues of inherited ancestral blood have not really been adequately addressed by those who talk about deliverance.

That is why you need to pray really hard today, you need to pray until the prayer gets into your blood.

When you are ready for something, you pray it to the blood level.
You see, your unknown past can be traced through your blood and whether you believe it or not, although you spend money in the physical; but you spend blood in the realm of the spirit. The blood is the currency of the spirit world
The blood is the currency of the spirit world.

The church itself, was purchased in the blood of Jesus Christ. The price of the salvation of the Christian is actually the blood of Jesus.

In this same blood, that makes children pay for the sins of their parents and their ancestors. It is very important and critical that you understand all this before we begin to pray.

But at the same time, whether you believe it or not, whether you understand it or not; in the blood resides demons assigned to fulfill every laid down arrangement by the ancestors. They reside there because blood communicates from body to the spirit.

Blood is that currency used in spiritual trading. Blood is fundamental to spiritual life and redemption.

Through the blood, we have redemption, that is; we were bought back out of the slave market using the blood as a currency.

Meaning that the blood is not only protective, but also heals and purifies. The blood is so powerful that it heals and purifies.

The word ‘blood’ occurred 447 times in 337 verses in the Bible, so you can see how important it is.

Blood is sprinkled on the alter, and even on people.
Blood is sprinkled on door post, like you red during the time of the goshen battle and the first born of the Egyptians were destroyed, blood was sprinkled on their door post. Blood is sprinkled even on the veil of the temple.

Blood is sprinkled on the horns of the alter of sweet incense and at the bottom of the alter of burnt offering.

Blood is an important thing in the spirit world.

A man can die in silence but his blood cannot die in silence. You may kill the man, but his blood will begin to talk. His blood may cry to heavens, the blood has a voice and it speaks.
Blood is sacred to God, blood can cry for vengeance.

Blood can drag you to the court of heaven, that’s why the Bible say ‘the life of the flesh is in the blood’.

The blood carries that spirit of God that was breath into the nostrils of man, when man was created.

Human life is trapped in the blood. Leviticus 17:11 & 14. Empty a man of blood, he’s dead.
Blood constantly supplies your body with strength and nutrient to continue living. That is why the Bible’s says life is in that flesh.

The blood is one of the most mysterious things created by God. There are two other mysterious, fire and water.

God spoke other things to being, but created man with His own hands according to Psalm 139:14. God breath some of His life into man, and that life is health in the blood.
So, man beloved; is more wonderful than the angels. The angels don’t have flesh and blood but man exist in the three realms: flesh, soul and spirit.
So blood beloved, is a living liquid, it is life.

Therefore, once your blood is polluted, once your blood is invaded by demons, once your blood is dedicated to the enemy, once your blood has been defiled; it affects everything about you, it affects the whole of your life. It creates quite a lot of problem.

What are these spirit problems?

  1. Demons in the flesh can also inhabit the blood. Ancestral demons inhabit the blood, thus making offsprings to acquire the problems inherent in the blood of their ancestors. This is a very serious matter.
  2. Demons in the blood, particularly ancestral demons; are more stubborn than we thinks.
  3. To overcome demons in the blood; requires stronger anointing, stronger prayers, stronger dedication, stronger violence and speaking against them. Because, your blood can be your enemy.
  4. The only blood that speaks positive things to you is the blood of Jesus!
  5. Your own blood could be the lawyer that is hired against you. Your blood may not be speaking in your favor at all, but speaking against you. Because blood has a voice and it speaks. Remember the blood of Abel cried for vengeance. There are plenty of blood related demons because every blood has a voice and a message.
    I’m praying that right there where are, if your blood is speaking against you; let that blood be silenced by the power in the blood of Jesus!
  6. You need the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual ears to hear what your blood is saying. Your blood may be bringing bad luck into your life because the voice it’s speaking is not the voice of favor, but the voice of punishment and the voice of disgrace.
  7. Every convent and allegiance made by the ancestors are registered in the blood and they are inherited by offsprings.

You may ask a question here: Why are demons interested in the blood? Because anywhere you see blood being shed without control; you can know that the enemy is at work.

  1. They are interested because blood is the most expensive and valuable article sold in satanic supermarket.
  2. Soul hunters trade in human blood and those who hunt for the soul of men, they trade in human blood and they are ready to offer anything as price for blood.
  3. Whoever is able to possess, to come with human blood to satanic market; is considered great. Herein lies the reason why there is so much bloodshed and so many people are so happy to shed other people’s blood.
  4. Life dwells in the blood and it can also carry satanic plantations, evil arrows or poisons.
    I pray that the Lord will arise, and deliver His people in the name of Jesus!
  5. Demons love blood because they want to insult and provoke God. They know God hates shedding of blood, so by going ahead to shed blood; they are annoying God and making God angry.
  6. Demons love blood in order to make blood available for feeding and for their blood banks.
    I pray that the enemy will not use your blood to serve their blood bank in the name of Jesus!
  7. Isaiah 49:26, they feed with blood in order to make them as guilty as the devil, in order to provoke God.
  8. They drink blood and acquire blood in order to enable them survive in dry places where there is no life. To survive in dry places where there is no life, they need blood. This is why demons love blood.
  9. Demons love blood because they want to obtain spiritual intoxication. They want to get drunken with blood of the saints. Revelation 17:6
  10. Demons are interested in human blood in order to obtain evil energy. They are more active when they drink blood.
    What I am saying may be strange to you but it is true.
    You may be saying ‘oh oh, these are all superstitions’. To be quite honest with you, I wish they were all superstitions, then life will be so easy. This is why these agents of darkness cause all kinds of accidents and do all kinds of things.
  11. They are also interested in blood in order to pollute the land with their blood. Thy know that once the land is polluted in blood, people will suffer.

Does your blood need deliverance?
There is a way you can find out, whether your blood needs deliverance:

  1. If you keep constant dreams of death, you need deliverance of the blood.
  2. If you keep having issues with bad breath, you need deliverance of the blood.
  3. You keep hearing people summoning you from your body in the dream, you need deliverance of the blood.
  4. You keep getting confused, you need deliverance of the blood.
  5. You start making unpardonable errors, you need deliverance of the blood.
  6. The enemy is firing arrows of miscarriage at you, you need deliverance of the blood.
  7. You have been going through multiple surgeries, you need deliverance of the blood.
  8. You smell death around you, you need deliverance of the blood.
  9. You have constant disappointment and frustrations, you need deliverance of the blood.
  10. There is a chain of family death, people die in the family quite early; you need deliverance of the blood.
  11. You are sexually confused, you need deliverance of the blood.
  12. You are unable to grow spiritually, no matter how hard you try; you need deliverance of the blood.
  13. Where you should have success, you are experiencing strange failures; you need deliverance of the blood.
  14. You are always feeling tired like there is no strength in you; you need deliverance of the blood.
  15. You eat and eat but you keep getting leaner and leaner, you need deliverance of the blood.
  16. You do massively good preparation for your examinations but you fail and those you teach pass, you need deliverance of the blood.
  17. Do you have things moving about in your body, circulating serpents; you need deliverance of the blood.
  18. Do you just abandoned good projects, profitable projects for no just cause; you need deliverance of the blood.
  19. Do you have unseen fire burning in your body, it’s as if they set your skin on fire; you need deliverance of the blood.
  20. Anytime you are compiling something good, something just comes around and scatter everything; you need deliverance of the blood.
  21. Do you suffer from constant marital failure and constant loss of money, and inability to sustain anything good for a long time, constant business failures, constant sickness, constant financial abortions; you need deliverance of the blood.
    I am praying today that every area in which the enemy has been stealing from you, you will repossess your possessions in the name of Jesus!
    And the fire of God will go into your bloodstream, remove every ancestral dedication, and silence every voice inside your blood that is speaking against you; in the name of Jesus!
  22. Do you find yourself failing almost at the edge of miracles, you need deliverance of the blood.
  23. Do you find yourself in wrong marriages, horrible nightmares, demonic dreams, chronic loss, loneliness, over sophistication, spiritual blindness; you need deliverance of the blood.
  24. There may be scorpions moving about in your body, the scorpions are actually circulating in the blood; you need deliverance of the blood.
  25. You are hearing strange voices and unreasonable voices are speaking to you and pushing you into unreasonable moves; you need deliverance of the blood.
  26. You are constantly being attacked by blood disease or the other, you need deliverance of the blood.
  27. You have difficulty in receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you need deliverance of the blood.
  28. Do you suffer of intense hatred by people, unexplainable hatred; you need deliverance of the blood.
  29. Where you are suppose to have good fortune, but you are experiencing misfortune; you need deliverance of the blood.
  30. You are battling with unruly and unhealthy children, you really need deliverance of the blood.
  31. You are battling with the spirit of failure, particularly dreams that had to do with demotions; you need deliverance of the blood.
    Jesus is here, His power is here and His ability is here; to deliver you totally from every plantation of darkness, from every thing speaking in your blood that is against your life, and from every demons that have invaded your blood, from every generational agents of destruction that has entered into the body.
  32. Do you see shadowing figures and you don’t know where they are coming from, you need deliverance of the blood.
  33. Do you suffer from self affliction, you need deliverance of the blood.
  34. Do you hear voices telling you that you will die, you need deliverance of the blood.
  35. Do you suffer from blackout, and they are trying to revive you and not really knowing what went wrong with you; you need deliverance of the blood.
  36. Do you faint and wake up, you need deliverance of the blood.
  37. Do you sometimes sleep walk, and you do dangerous things while you do so; you need deliverance of the blood.
    Today is not a day to joke, it’s a day to cry out to heavens. It’s a day to decree that your life will no longer remain the same. It’s a day to say ‘my blood, receive the fire of heaven, my blood reject every evil voice, my blood reject bad luck and demotion.
  38. Are you listening to me, and there is unseen torment going on inside your body and you know all is not well with the body; you need deliverance of the blood.
  39. You have sicknesses and disease that are resistant to medicine or prayers; you need deliverance of the blood.
  40. You are always thinking of suicide, thoughts of death; you need deliverance of the blood.

Revelations 6:10, and Luke 11:51, Exodus 12, Hebrews 9:22
Once your blood is polluted, the whole of your life is polluted. Once wrong things are done to that blood, the whole of life will be polluted. The whole of your destiny will have issues, once something is done wrong there.

What are the steps towards deliverance of the blood?

  1. Complete surrender of your life to Jesus Christ, that is not negotiable.
  2. You need to bring quality and deep and complete repentance to the Lord. All sins must be confessed and forsaken.
  3. You need to examine your life very thoroughly to discover any satanic ladder.
  4. You need to plead the blood of Jesus all over your life.
  5. You need to wage war against those ancestral powers that are residing in your blood. Ignorance that they are there does not excuse you, wishing that they go away does not excuse you; you need to fight. Salvation does not remove this away from you, salvation gives you a weapon to fight.
  6. You need to remove every evil ancestral covenant, dedication and allegiance.
  7. You need to withdraw your blood from ancestral demons.
  8. You never to replace that blood with the blood of Jesus!
  9. You need to use the blood of Jesus to destroy every satanic investment in your blood.
  10. You need to protect your blood by asking the Holy Spirit to build divine protection to safeguard your blood.
  11. You need to send back the arrows of blood fighters and invaders back to them.
  12. You need to bring the blood of Jesus against them.
  13. You to renounce the covenant that has to do with the blood.
  14. You need to bind the spirits in charge of these evil covenants.
  15. You need to command them to go and never to return into your life.
  16. You need to know speak destruction into the fruits of all these convents, so that they stop working in your life.
  17. You need to rededicate your life to Jesus totally.
  18. You need to define what you desire by aggressive faith.
  19. You need to live a holy life.
  20. You need to invoke the blood of Jesus to counter accusation, evil voices that is against your life.
  21. You need to bless your life with all kinds of blessings.

Blood invasion is a situation that wages war against lives, don’t joke with it.

Therefore, the deepest deliverance every Christian must do to enable them live a meaningful life is deliverance of the blood. After you have repented from your sin, the deepest deliverance you need to do is the deliverance of the blood.

And the Lord will be with you in the name of Jesus!


Before Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:
Before we go into this very very critical topic and critical prayers, pray that will run down generational lives, I want you to pray these seven prayers very quickly before we start:

  1. Powers that want me to cry in agony, expire in the name of Jesus!
  2. Padlock of darkness assigned against my breakthrough, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
  3. Embargo of demonic cooperation against my life, scatter in the name of Jesus!
  4. Angry powers assigned to consume my virtues, die in the name of Jesus!
  5. Every satanic lion den prepared for me, swallow your owners in the name of Jesus!
  6. Warrior angels of God, arise; pursue the wicked elders assigned me in the name of Jesus!
  7. O God arise, keep my enemies busy with what will destroy them in the name of Jesus!
  8. Any visitation of darkness into my life, expire in the name of Jesus!
    After Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:
    It is time for deliverance of the blood prayers. Plenty of prayers to be prayed in a few minutes. Let your voice roar like thunder, let your body, soul and spirit know you’re praying. Don’t be distracted, focus from your heart as this is the kind of prayers the enemy doesn’t want people to be praying as it tries to distract their attentions.focus now and pray aggressively from your heart:
  9. Any evil voice crying against me inside my blood, be silenced in the name of Jesus!
  10. Every controversy arising from voices speaking inside my blood, be silenced in the name of Jesus!
  11. Blood of Jesus, arise; speak better things into my life in the name of Jesus!
  12. Voices of bad luck speaking from inside my blood; be silenced in the name of Jesus!
  13. Blood of Jesus, destroy every demonic document inside my blood in the name of Jesus!
  14. Blood of Jesus, evacuate every ancestral demon inside my blood in the name of Jesus!
  15. Blood of Jesus, render any demon in my blood impotent in the name of Jesus!
  16. Powers of my father’s house inside my blood, die in the name of Jesus!
  17. Every satanic operation inside my blood, be terminated in the name of Jesus!
  18. Powers making my blood to counter my prayers, die in the name of Jesus!
  19. Evil ordinances, negativeness and affliction in my blood, clear away in the name of Jesus!
  20. Inherited ancestral food in my blood, melt away in the name of Jesus!
  21. Holy Ghost, incubate my blood in the name of Jesus!
  22. Every satanic investment in my blood, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
  23. Power polluting my blood, you’re a liar; die in the name of Jesus!
  24. Every demonic access to my blood, expire in the name of Jesus!
  25. Ancestral documents and records in my blood, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
  26. O God arise, infuse spiritual vitamins to my blood for prayer energy in the name of Jesus!
  27. All negative materials circulating in my blood stream, die in the name of Jesus!
  28. Holy Ghost fire, enter into my bloodstream and cleanse my bloodstream in the name of Jesus!
  29. Blood of Jesus, be transfused into my blood system in the name of Jesus!
  30. Any evil blood that mingled with my blood, be drained out in the name of Jesus!
  31. Any strange hand that has touched my blood, be evacuated now in the name of Jesus!
  32. O God arise, pump the blood of Jesus into my bloodstream in the name of Jesus!
  33. Strangers in my blood, I’m not your candidate; get out in the name of Jesus!
  34. Holy Ghost, immunize my blood against spiritual poisons in the name of Jesus!
  35. I withdraw my blood and any part of my body from any evil alter in the name of Jesus!
  36. Evil voices summoning my blood, shut up and die in the name of Jesus!
  37. Blood of Jesus, flush out every evil material in my blood in the name of Jesus!
  38. My blood, reject every witchcraft poison in the name of Jesus!
  39. Sword of deliverance from heaven, touch my blood now in the name of Jesus!
  40. Any part of my blood, swallowed by drinkers of blood; vomit them now in the name of Jesus!
  41. My blood, reject any foreign entity in the name of the Jesus!
  42. Every spiritual confirmation in my blood, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus!
  43. My blood, receive the coat of fire in the name of Jesus!
  44. I dissociate myself from every territorial blood covenant in the name of Jesus!
  45. I dissociate myself from every tribal blood covenant in the name of Jesus!
  46. I dissociate myself from every inherited blood covenant in the name of Jesus!
  47. I withdraw my blood from every satanic blood bank in the name of Jesus!
  48. My blood will not be bewitched against me, by the power in the blood of Jesus!
  49. I apply the blood of Jesus against any hidden sicknesses in my life in the name of Jesus!
  50. Blood of Jesus, speak into my blood for great breakthroughs and deliverance in the name of Jesus!


  1. I hold the blood of Jesus as a shield against any power of sickness in my life. Let every door that has been opened to the enemy, be closed forever with the blood of Jesus! Through the blood of Jesus, I’ve been redeemed out of every sickness. Through the blood of Jesus, I’m healed. Through the blood of Jesus, I’ve the life of God in me. I paralyses and cut off the head of my Goliath with the blood of Jesus! Let the blood of Jesus stand between me and any sickness in the name of Jesus. Let the blood of Jesus be released on my behalf, let it speak against any dead bone in my life. Let the blood of Jesus speak confusion into the camp of my enemies in the name of Jesus! Let the blood of Jesus speak destruction unto every evil growth in my life in the name of Jesus! Let the blood of Jesus speak disappearance into every infirmity in my body in the name of Jesus! Let the blood of Jesus speak peace unto every organ of my body in the name of Jesus! Let the blood of Jesus dry up every evil tree used against me in the name of Jesus!
  2. Every sickness, diseases, infirmity that I’ve inherited through the blood of my fore fathers and mothers; blood of Jesus bring them out of my blood today in the name of Jesus! Any cancer, stroke, nemonia, diabetics, arthritis, high blood pressure, bareness, heart disease, liver trouble, stomach complications, issue of blood, eye disease, erection dysfunction, muscular irregularities, epilepsy, appendices that has taking my life through my blood; depart now in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every disease, sickness, curses and misfortune; that was transferred into my body through any sexual act or relationship, blood of Jesus remove them now in the name of Jesus!
  3. Shout this 7 times: My blood, receive the fire of deliverance in the name of Jesus!

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