Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 28 November 2021

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When David Became a Caveman

As we come to I Samuel 22, we find David hiding in a cave, and living on a day to day, just making it mode surrounded by troubles. His experience is mirrored in the lives of multiplied people across the world. When life reduces to being just in a survival mode.

Overcoming Great Adversities

When God puts us in a place of constant troubles, and we respond properly, He will use those hard times to give us some of the greatest blessings and growth in our lives. For example, look at how these now famous people of the past faced their trials with a positive attitude and triumphed:

·         Cripple him, and you have a Sir Walter Scott.

·         Lock him in a prison cell, and you have a John Bunyan.

·         Bury him in the snows of Valley Forge, and you have a George Washington.

·         Raise him in abject poverty, and you have an Abraham Lincoln.

·         Strike him down with infantile paralysis, and he becomes Franklin Roosevelt.

·         Burn him so severely that the doctors say he’ll never walk again, and you have a Glenn Cunningham who set the world’s one-mile record in 1934.

Also Read: Open Heaven 28 November 2021 – Topic: WHO IS YOUR REAL ENEMY? 

·         Deafen him, and you have a Ludwig von Beethoven.

·         Have him or her born black in a society filled with racial discrimination, and you have a Booker T. Washington, and a George Washington Carver….

·         Call him a slow learner, and write him off as uneducable, and you have an Albert Einstein.

Now look at how David was learning to respond to God properly in his loneliness in hard times:

·         Have him grow up as an overlooked and neglected last child, and you have David the shepherd boy.

·         Have him accused by his brothers and slighted by his countrymen, and you have David the giant-killer.

·         Have him on the run for his life, hiding in a cave surrounded by hundreds of emotional cripples, and you have David the sweet Psalmist of Israel.

Living in the “Cave of Troubled Men” was going to be an incredible crash course in learning to face life’s struggles God’s Way. This would prove to be the turning point in David’s life—the time when his character was refined more than in any other era of his life!

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