Discovering And Fulfilling Life’s Purpose By Pastor Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding what it takes to discover and fulfil life’s purpose


  1. The purpose of life is the life of purpose
    The meaning of life is the life of meaning
  2. Success in life is success in purpose
    Success in life is finding out what God is doing and doing it with Him. – T. L. Osborn
    It is only when we succeed in purpose that we succeed indeed
  3. Every product on earth was created for a purpose (Isa. 43:21; Jer. 1:5)
    Purpose precedes creation
  4. The creator/manufacturer of the product is the determinant of its purpose
    If you want to find out the purpose of anything, you don’t ask the product, you ask the creator – Myles Munroe
  5. Purpose is not the decision of the product, purpose is the discovery of the product; you don’t decide your purpose, you only discover your purpose (Luke 4:17-18)
    Your purpose is not your decision, your purpose is your discovery
    What you decide to become is ambition, what God wants you to be is purpose
    Your greatest success in life is to make purpose become ambition
    Your greatest success in life is to take God’s purpose for you and turn it into your ambition
    When you makes God’s purpose to become your ambition then you guarantee your destination


1. Desperation for the Will, Purpose and Plan of God (Hos. 6:3; Phil. 3:12; Hab. 2:1; Matt. 11:12)

When there is restlessness to know your purpose for living, then knowing your purpose is inevitable
When your desire is on fire for the purpose of your creation, then that purpose must be arrested
When there is a refusal to be satisfied with the status quo then you are at the verge of purpose
Desperation is gateway to revelation; things are not revealed to the casual, things are revealed to the desperate
Revelation follows desperation; insight follows interest
Desperation is the birthplace of revelation
When you have decided that it is compulsory to know where to direct your life’s energy, resources and abilities, then purpose must be known
Everything that must be taken in the realm of the spirit must be taken by force (Matt. 11:12)
You don’t get out of life what you deserve, you get out of life what you demand.

2. Neutrality of position in the matter of God’s purpose (Prov. 3:5-6; Matt. 26:42; Rom. 12:1-2)

The plan of God is easy to know when you don’t have a choice in the matter
The Will of God can only be found where the will of man is lost
The Will of God can only be located where the will of man is abdicated
When you allow your will to be swallowed by the Will of God then you are at the verge of purpose
There is the good will, the acceptable will and the perfect will of God
It is easy to know the Will of God when your agenda does not conflict with the Will of God
The creature can never know more than the Creator; God’s perfect will for you is better than your perfect will for yourself

3. Existence in the mode of enquiry (Jer. 6:16; 1Sam. 30:8; Jer. 33:3; Heb. 4:16; Matt. 7:7; 1Sam. 30:8)

Asking God questions at the place of prayer is the way of receiving answers from God; prayers unasked equals answers unreceived
Questions open the door to the world of answers
The asking of questions is a confirmation of helplessness and the helplessness of man provokes the Almightiness of God
The asking of questions is a confirmation of self-insufficiency and total dependency on God
Only people who ask questions are entitled to answers
Enquiry is doorway to discovery; for those who enquire, God causes them to discover

4. Soaking and studying the Word of God (Gen. 24:27; Ps. 119:105; Josh. 1:8; Ps. 119:130; Lk. 15:8)

Until you locate the Way, you cannot find the leading
When the written Word of God is known, the revealed Word is easy to know
Inside the Word, you will find the way and inside the way, you will find His Will
The Word of God is the Container of the Light of God and the Light of God is the guarantee of direction for man
When your heart is filled with Word, you don’t lack direction
Nothing makes the way like the Word
When you are loaded with Scripture, out of Scripture, light will jump out to guide your way
Word Insight is key to destiny impact
When the Word enters, light springs forth
You cannot be insightful in Scripture and be ignorant in the matters of life
Scriptural illumination is key to destiny restoration

5. Establishing the climate of worship (Ps. 89:15; Isa. 30:29-30; Acts 13:2)

When you create the climate of worship, you walk on the light of direction
The Voice of the Lord travels in the song of the Lord
The Song of the Lord carries the sound of the Lord
If you live inside worship, if you don’t hear Him immediately, you will hear Him eventually


  1. Through Divine direction and instructions (Hab. 2:1; Acts 10:19; Ex. 3:1-3; Ps. 85:8)
    This refers to a clear hearing of what God wants you to do with your life
    God can speak to you with an audible voice, through spiritual perceptions and knowings, through interruption of your thoughts etc.
  2. Through visions and revelations (Gen. 37:5-10; Acts 26:12-19; 16:9)
    This refers to the realms of dreams, visions, revelations or trances; you are seeing something that is pointing you to your life’s assignment
    These should be comparable with other modes of leading that God leads
  3. Through burdens and passions of the heart (Neh. 1:1-4; Acts 18:5; 7:23)
    Most times when God places burdens in your heart, they are keys to what He wants you to do with your life
    There is a connection between your burden and your bearing in life
    There is a connection between your passion and
    your purpose, your pressure and your pursuit
    That problem that makes you cry or weighs you down
    may be a problem that God has anointed you to solve
  4. Through affections and compassions of the heart (Matt. 14:14; Matt. 9:36-38; Acts 7:23)
    There is a connection between deep affection and purpose in life; what you love doing is connected to what you will live doing
    There is a connection between your love and your life
    There is a connection between the heart you have and the mark you will make
    There is a connection between what you love doing and what you are to live doing
  5. Through insight from life’s experiences (Exo. 2:15, 3:1-10; Matt. 4:18-19)
    What you pass through is connected to what will pass through you to your generation
    What you suffered determines what you will offer
    Out of your mess can come your message; out of your misery can come your ministry (assignment); out of your insult can come your impact
  6. Through the discovery of life’s potentials and giftings (1Sam. 16:17; Prov. 18:16; Dan. 5:11)
    What God has deposited in you determines what He would demand from you
    Your potential is connected to your purpose
    Don’t allow anybody’s leading to direct your destiny
    What people say to you should be a confirmation of what you are hearing yourself
    Your potential/giftings can reveal to you an aspect of your purpose and also take you to your ultimate purpose
    When referring to potential, don’t look at how much you will make but look at how many lives you will touch
    Don’t put income first in the matter of destiny, put impact first and income will come
    What you can do is connected to what you can become


  1. Determine to live in the purpose of God for your life (Phil. 3:12)
  2. Determine to pursue purpose without distraction or discouragement (Hab. 2:3)

Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. We do not take it for granted. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I am ready to do what You want me to do. Help me to pursue Your purpose for my life Lord, in Jesus’ Name

Father, I receive the grace to do Your Will and to fulfil Your purpose. I receive the grace to be everything You want me to be, to do everything You want me to do and achieve everything You want me to achieve, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I am here before You, have Your Way in my life. Fulfil Your purpose in my life, fulfil Your intention in my life. I am available to You Lord. Help me Lord to do Your Will and fulfil Your purpose, in Jesus’ Name.


  • I prophesy the Breath of God on your documents
  • The power that changed Peter’s life and destiny be released upon you
  • Every limitation, every embargo, enemy hold, hindrance, everything that has been a limitation to your life and destiny is over today
  • I prophesy supernatural openings for you in Jesus’ Name
  • Before this week is out, your purpose and destiny in God shall be unveiled
  • You won’t end your life as a destitute.
  • Before this week is out, what is in your hands will bring you your testimony!


  • That debt is cancelled, that housing pressure is handled!
  • The fear of death and of the unknown is arrested in Jesus’ Name
  • Our Nation Nigeria is free and blessed in Jesus’ Name
  • That phone call, email, letter or response to the interview you have been expecting will be released as you step into tomorrow
  • This week, whatever the enemy sent you way is returned back to the one who sent it
  • Everything that is locked in your life is unlocked now!
  • I declare the release of your resources and supplies. Systems shall lose their peace and rest until what is your enters your hands
  • There shall be no loss! Every death prepared for you and your loved ones, that death shall be inherited by those who prepared it!
  • I prophesy a new season for you. The help of God to be everything He wants you to be and do everything He wants you to do is released upon you now!
  • Everything that is yours in God, I declare it is released to you
  • I prophesy new help and mercies for you!
  • Every calamity programmed into this week for you, I declare it is scattered and nullified!
  • Every system holding what is yours is under pressure;

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