Does God Have All of You? – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 26 December 2021

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Does God Have All of You?

In every story of the birth of Jesus there is mention of individuals we know just enough about to be amazed—Zacharias & Elisabeth, Simeon & Anna, Wisemen & Shepherds, and now Joseph & Mary. God has captured with His Holy Word a picture that inspires and challenges us. This season of remembering Christ’s Birth, join me in looking again at that familiar story of Joseph and Mary and Baby Jesus. But pause with me in God’s Word and extract some powerful truths by observing what the Scriptures reveal and imply about this amazing couple who were walking with the Lord. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 26 December 2021 –Topic: THE HOLY SPIRIT I 

As you open to this first book of the New Testament on this Christmas day, we are looking at the incredible spiritual maturity and responsiveness that God can produce in the life of a teenager. What will we find was the secret? Simply that God had all of their lives! Did they avoid troubles, fears, pains, struggles, anguish and hardships? Nope, but they had God with them all the way through. How do they respond to some very stressful times? Watch and see! 

Look at verses 21 and 23 with me because in those two verses we have presented the greatest truth and the greatest question you will ever be confronted with. First the greatest truth is about salvation. 

Matthew 1:21:  “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

First, the greatest truth of Christianity is–that the instant of our salvation, when our sins were forgiven instantly by the gracious work of Christ on the cross–we got all of God! The One who saves us is God with us! We have all of God in the person of Christ who dwells in us! 

Then comes the greatest question that each of us need to answer this today-does God have all of me? 

How can we apply the story of Joseph and Mary to our lives today? First some quick lessons from Matthew that outlines the type of choices that please God in the life of teenagers or anyone for that matter who really wants to let God in to reign in their life. Why don’t you write these down as notes and ask the Lord to help you make these choices also for Him in your life.

1.    Joseph sought the Lord with his problems (Matthew 1:18-20a)

2.    Joseph listened to the Lord for His guidance (Matthew 1:20b-23)

3.    Joseph obeyed the Lord with his actions (Matthew 1:24-25a)

4.    Joseph honored the Lord by his obedience (Matthew 1:25b)

5.    Joseph waited on the Lord for His leading (Matthew 2:13-18)

6.    Joseph followed the Lord’s directions for his family (Matthew 2:19-21)

7.    Joseph led his family in the ways of the Lord (Matthew 2:22-23) 

What was it about Mary that God saw He could use? What kind of person can God trust with great responsibility? Here are just the main points that Luke points out to us in his record of Christ’s birth. 

1.  Mary CHOSE TO listened to God. (Luke 1:26-28) 

2.  Mary CHOSE TO humble herself before God said yes to God’s Grace. (Luke 1:29)  

3.  Mary CHOSE TO surrender to God’s will (Luke 1:31-33) 

4.  Mary CHOSE TO experience God (Luke 1:34-37)

5.  Mary CHOSE TO serve God joyfully (Luke 1:38-45) 

6.  Mary CHOSE TO immerse herself in the Scriptures. (Luke 1:46-55)

So, the greatest truth of Christianity is–that the instant of our salvation, when our sins were forgiven instantly by the gracious work of Christ on the cross–we got all of God! The One who saves us is God with us! We have all of God in the person of Christ who dwells in us! 

Then comes the greatest question that each of us need to answer this today-does God have all of me?

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