Topic: It Is Your Father’s House [TREM Devotional 18 May 2019]
Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Bishop Mike Okonkwo
“My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.” Numbers 12:7 (KJV)
Today, I come to you with a word straight from the heart of God. The time has come for us to take full ownership – there is no one person called the Church – every one of us collectively are the Church. But beyond that, you need to realize and bring it into your subconscious mind that this House is your Father’s House.
In the scripture above, God was scolding Aaron and Miriam and He made a very profound statement – “My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house” Question: ‘God where is Your House that You said Moses is faithful in ALL Your House?’ Child of God, wherever the name of the Lord is called is His House. If you are His son or daughter, then it is YOUR House too.
Let me ask you: How do you take care of your house? Do you see dirt all over and walk past, waiting for another occupant to come and pick it? Even if you do not pick it yourself, you will ensure that it is done. Do you see your gate opened and refuse to close it, and just walk past saying, it is not your business? Do you walk past your leaking roof and say it is not your business without thinking about how to repair it? If you do that for your house, why then do you not do it for the church? Why would you see things out of order and walk past expecting the Church to fix it? Let me ask you again: Who is the Church? The answer is YOU. YOU are the Church. I challenge you to take ownership; the building belongs to you. The conveniences are yours. The road is yours. Everything belongs to you.
Wherever you worship, the building is yours and you should treat it as such. Take care of it, ask questions when you don’t understand something; be a brand ambassador of your church. Be proud of it. Invite people to church and as you do this, God also ensures that everything that concerns you is settled.
Further Reading: Numbers 12:1-8
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 4-6; Evening- John 6:1-21
Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.
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