Dunamis’ Seeds of Destiny 11 March 2020 Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche – You Are Reaching For Your Best

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Topic: You Are Reaching For Your Best

The deeper your knowledge of God, the higher your quality of life.

SCRIPTURE: I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:7-14

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The deeper your knowledge of God, the higher your quality of life.

One of the most impactful persons in the Bible after Jesus Christ was Paul the Apostle. Paul wrote more than fifty percent of the New Testament Scriptures. It was Paul who brought forth the revelations of redemption and resurrection, even though he was not physically present when Jesus was crucified. Paul revealed to us the nine spiritual gifts. Handkerchiefs and aprons from his body were used to heal the sick. He existed at the highest value of humanity and lived at his best.

Now, how can one live such a valuable life? Let me give you five keys:

1 Cost is the measure of value (1 Corinthians 6:12). Living life at its best comes with a cost. There can be no value without cost; there can be no shining without sacrifice.

2 The knowledge of God brings value (Philippians 3:10)

Your level of knowledge determines your rating in life. Every time your qualification changes, your remuneration changes. The deeper your knowledge of God, the higher your quality of life.

3 Discontentment (in mediocrity) is the foundation for distinction (Philippians 3:10)

Those who refuse to settle down in mediocrity are destined to stand out in life. The rejection of the status-quo is the establishment of progress.

4 Focusing on the future enhances life’s value (Genesis 19:26, Luke 9:62)

A life focused on the past is wasted in the present and useless in the future. Those who live in the past belong only to history. Do not live with your mistakes or failures. Focus on the future, only then can the value of your life be enhanced.

5 Pressure is the secret of the precious (Philippians 3:14)

To arrive at the precious, you must apply pressure. There is no reach without stretch and no treasure without pressure.

Today, I decree that you will reach your best in life as you practice the above keys, above in Jesus’ Name.

REMEMBER THIS: The deeper your knowledge of God, the higher your quality of life.


  1. Value the things of God above every other thing.
  2. Resist the defeatist mentality at all cost; always look into the future with focus.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask for forgiveness for my past mistakes and failures. I look into the future with hope and focus. Help me to reach where You have destined for me, Lord in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Mentality guarantees longevity. Mentality averts calamity. Culled from 15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL by Dr Paul Enenche

DAILY READING: 1 Kings 11-13.

AMAZING FACT: Billy Graham personally preached Christianism to over 200 million people.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Grace to be your best is released for you in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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