Dunamis’ Seeds of Destiny 8 February 2021 Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche – Going Far With God - Faithwheel.com

Dunamis’ Seeds of Destiny 8 February 2021 Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche – Going Far With God

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Topic: Going Far With God

You can’t go far with God and lag behind in life. You cannot be a success with God and be a failure on earth.

SCRIPTURE: But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You can’t go far with God and lag behind in life. You cannot be a success with God and be a failure on earth.

When I was in the university as a medical student, by the grace of God, I was the president of the medical students’ fellowship on my campus. Later on, I became the national president of the fellowship. This made me to travel from one university campus to another preaching to medical students.


I remember returning from one of such trips and I was left with just forty eight hours to write an examination on a two-year course. In preparing to write the examination, I remember sitting up from night till morning to study. By the time I lifted up my eyes, the sun had risen on the horizon, yet I still had more to read. Then I asked God to help me, having done all I could do.

I went in for the examination and misunderstood one question. The question was, “Write the autopsy findings of a man dying of primary liver cell cancer”. I simply wrote that the man has not died yet, so, an autopsy wasn’t necessary. My answer was just one line and that question had about 25% of the total marks obtainable.

When I realised what I did, I said, “Lord, you know what I would have written, just that I misunderstood the question.”

Later, the departmental staff who marked my script saw me at the teaching hospital and congratulated me for a great performance. God did it for me. And when God writes for you, you cannot fail.

Beloved, I went all the way with God in the assignment of the Kingdom, and He proved to me that you cannot go far with Him and lag behind in life. Indeed you can’t go far with God and lag behind in life (Proverbs 4:18). In case you are not making progress in life, make sure you are making progress with God because you cannot be a success with God and be a failure on earth.

Remember this: You can’t go far with God and lag behind in life. You cannot be a success with God and be a failure on earth.


  1. Make up your mind to go far with God.
  2. Pay the sacrifice of self-discipline to maintain a buoyant prayer life.

PRAYER: O Lord, I receive the grace to go far with You. I refuse to be a failure on earth, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Don’t Struggle For Popularity; Remain In His Presence And Remain In The Process. Culled from “GO IN THIS THY MIGHT” by Dr. Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Deuteronomy 27-30.

AMAZING FACT: Lions hunt mostly at night and have about a 50% success rate.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: As you determine to go all the way with God, you shall never lag behind in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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