Evil Hands On Innocent Heads By Dr. D.K Olukoya - Faithwheel.com

Evil Hands On Innocent Heads By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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DATE: MAY 2ND, 2021


Please listen to me very carefully as we read some mysterious verses in scripture.

==> I see someone here, the place they said you will never get to, you will get there by fire! The house they said you will not live in, you will live there by fire! The honour they said you will not have, you will have it by fire! In the name of Jesus!

==> Heaven will embrace you in the name of Jesus!
Joseph positioned the elder on the right, and the younger on the right, believing the man (Jacob) would just lay his hands like that. When Jacob was blessing them, he was invoking the blessing of Abraham, the blessing of Isaac and his own blessing the angel blessed him, he was provoking those blessings and imparting them upon those children; generational blessings, generational benefits, generational virtues: he was transferring them into their lives by laying hands on them.

Jacob crossed his hands, putting his right hand on Ephraim and the left hand on Manasseh. Joseph was the father of those children and when he saw it, he protested saying “not so, my father”.

==> I prophesy upon the life of somebody here, every power that is saying “not so” to your blessings, let them scatter now in the name of Jesus!

Listen carefully. Jacob was a man that received blessing after warring with the angel. Isaac his father was a child of blessing. Abraham their father was the father of blessings. So, this man Jacob carried a generational anointing, laid hands on those children’s heads.

Likewise, just as Jacob transferred virtues, transferred good things, generational blessings; the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob upon those children; evil parents, demonic ancestors, wicked ancestors, wicked parents also transfer wickedness, evil, sickness, frustration upon their children by laying hands upon them.

And the power in the right hand according to this scripture is different from the one in the left hand. It is greater.

Herein lies the problem that many of our forefathers did not serve the Lord; they served the devil actively. Many too have gone to places where nobody should touch them at all but they allowed the evil men to lay hands on their heads.

==> Therefore I am decreeing from this pulpit that every conscious and unconscious laying on of evil hands on the head of anyone here, be cleared away by the blood of Jesus!

The head is above the body. In the head, you find the beginning of senses and motions. The head is the topmost part of the body. The head is where the symbol of power, authority and honour are displayed. The head is the habitation of your glory.

Crowns are always placed on the head. The Bible says Adam was crowned with glory and honour. The head is a centre of communication. It is the faculty of reasoning. All the sense faculties are inside the head. The brain is also inside that head. It is the brain that tells you what to do and what not to do.

The eyes which enable you to see are in the head. The nose which enables you to smell is in the head. The ear which allows you to hear is in the head. The mouth which is the point of entry of food is in the head. So without that head, parts of the body cannot function.

Every part of the body is connected to the head and when an evil man lays hands on it and imparts evil things upon that head, it swallows it, transfers it through the body and escorts the person through life.

Some people will suffer from the cradle to the grave because evil hands have been laid upon them. When people lay hands upon the head, it is a way of connecting the message with the messenger. It is a way of connecting the gift with the gift giver.

The blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were transmitted through the right hand of Jacob to the head of that child. And those of you who are Bible readers know that hands are laid in the Bible on the head for physical healing.

The reverse is true. Hands can be laid on a person for sickness to enter into the life of the person. But then, when the laying on of hands is from your ancestors, it becomes a very serious matter, because before some people begin to address the issue, the evil effect would have gone far.

==> I prophesy once again, any problem that has gone far in the life of anyone, let the problem go back to the senders in the name of Jesus.

The most devastating evil laying on of hands is when it is used to pronounce or to extend or to maximize the evil power in the ancestry. Sometimes all the “child, stop crying” and them using the hand to rub the head by a total stranger is an evil agenda.

As you are sitting down, you cannot say who touched your head as a baby. You cannot say who touched your head as a child. You even have no clue on the spiritual content of those saloons or saloon owners making your hair.



  • are evil powers that are in charge of a family from generation to generation.
  • are powers assigned to family lineage assigned to steal, to kill and to destroy.
  • are powers assigned to monitor a family lineage.
  • are powers assigned to afflict a family
  • represent the strong man assigned against the family line.
  • are the spirits behind collective family captivity.
  • are the powers assigned to execute punishment on cursed families.
  • are powers assigned to visit those violating a collective covenant.
  • are powers sponsoring repeated evil family history.
  • are the powers claiming to be the spirit of the dead inside a particular family.
  • are bloodline demons.

These powers can be transmitted so easily when somebody with an evil power lays those hands upon you from your family line. And this is a very, very serious matter.

And if this has happened to a person, the person should not be surprised if spiritual growth is becoming difficult. Do not be surprised when the person is becoming a drop out. Do not be surprised when the person becomes someone who is stagnant and frustrated.

If you want to be free from these powers:

  1. You need to first of all surrender your life to Jesus.
  2. You need to repent from all known sins.
  3. You need to wage war against these powers.
  4. You need to cancel the evil effect of evil laying on of hands upon your head.

Many of us before we got born again have evil hands laid upon our heads and we are struggling now to get out of it.

(Lay your right hand upon your head and begin to plead the blood of Jesus upon your head).
(Lay your right hand upon your head and pray the following prayer points).

  1. Glory killers, assigned to my head, die in the name of Jesus!
  2. (Sing this song 7 times) I am serving the God of miracles, I know, yes I know; I am serving the God of miracles, I know; yes I know.
  3. Arrows fired into my brain, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  4. Powers chanting incantations to cage my head, die in the name of Jesus.
  5. My head, hear the word of the Lord, reject curses in the name of Jesus.
  6. Chains upon my head, break in the name of Jesus.
  7. My Glory and the Lifter of my head: Jesus Christ, lift up my head in the name of Jesus.
  8. Every bewitchment assigned against my head, die in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every horn of my father’s house pressing down my head, roast in the name of Jesus.
  10. Wasters and emptiers targeting my head, you are liars, die in the name of Jesus.
  11. Blood of Jesus, kill every serpent in my destiny in the name of Jesus.
  12. (Lay your right hand on your head) Every poison in my body, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.
  13. (Pray it 3 times) Every progress that the enemy has stolen from my life, I recover you now in the name of Jesus.

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