God’s Training School (Part 3) By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Dr. D.K. Olukoya

DATE: MAY 19TH, 2021


Last week, we began to look at God’s training school. I will like you to listen very carefully as we proceed along these lines.

Last week, I began to describe the bird “eagle” to you, which is a very good example of how God organises His training school and how He wants us to become.

God’s training school is likened to the activity of the eagle in training her children. As the eagle would stir up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth above her wings, taketh them, beareth them above her wings, the Lord said “that is exactly how I am leading you. That is how you are going to be trained”.


I want to recommend that you memorize Isaiah 40:28. – “Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.”

If you have your hymn book with you, I want you to open to hymn 1349 – Ho, reapers in the whitened harvest.

  1. Ho, reapers in the whitened harvest
    Oft feeble, faint, and few;
    Come, wait upon the blessed Master,
    Our strength He will renew.
    Chorus: “For they that wait upon the Lord….
    Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings,
They shall mount up with wings as eagles
They shall run and not be weary;
They shall walk and not faint;
They shall run and not be weary;
They shall walk and not faint;
They shall run and not be weary
Shall walk and not faint.”

  1. Too oft a-weary and discouraged,
    We pour a sad complaint;
    Believing in a living Saviour,
    Why should we ever faint?
    Chorus: “For they that wait upon the Lord
    Shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up with wings,
    They shall mount up with wings as eagles
    They shall run and not be weary;
    They shall walk and not faint;
    They shall run and not be weary;
    They shall walk and not faint;
    They shall run and not be weary
    Shall walk and not faint.”
  2. Rejoice! for He is with us alway,
    Lo, even to the end!
    Look up! take courage and go forward –
    All needed grace He’ll send!
    Chorus: “For they that wait upon the Lord
    Shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up with wings,
    They shall mount up with wings as eagles
    They shall run and not be weary;
    They shall walk and not faint;
    They shall run and not be weary;
    They shall walk and not faint;
    They shall run and not be weary
    Shall walk and not faint.”

PRAY: Raise up your right hand to the heavenlies and shout: I (your name) shall run and not be weary, I shall walk and not faint in the name of Jesus!

==> I am praying for somebody here, any power assigned to make you suck the breast of an evil mother shall scatter in the name of Jesus.

What you are hearing here today is the voice of the mother eagle telling you that you do not belong to this low level of power and anointing.

==> I am praying for somebody here today, you will hear the voice of the mother eagle and you will rise to your next level in the name of Jesus.

So, God trains His children the way the eagles will train the children.

The eagle builds most of the most comfortable bird’s nests available on earth. The eagle feeds her children very well. So she will put the children in the nest, very comfortable nest. High up there, the children will be living in the nest. Very beautiful and comfortable nest that the eagle has spent time to build.

One day, the eagle comes and begins to destroy that nest. This scatters the eaglets. They start falling. When they begin to drop and fall, she flies under them, collect them on the wings and take them back to where they were falling from.

When they drop again, she flies to collect them with the wings and keeps doing that to them until the eaglets now begin to fly. This is exactly how God operates.

God is more interested in your spiritual revival than your comfort. He has said “seek ye first my kingdom and all the other things I will add unto thee”.

Many of us do not seek that kingdom, but we are looking for the other things that God said will follow us. The greatest interest of God is not to make you have money, no. It is not to make you comfortable, no.

The greatest interest of God is that He wants your spiritual life to be in tune with heaven. This is why God has to destroy the comfort of many people to get at them.

Have you read the immortal words of Apostle Paul in Hebrews 11:36-40. Notice that the people we are going to read about here are all going to the same heaven with us, not a different one. And you wonder “why is God allowing them to go through all this? Why?” Look at what He passed them through.

The destruction of the nests of the eagle forces the eaglets to learn to fly. That is how God treats us sometimes, so that we can grow muscles and learn to fly.

I know people who are so comfortable, they do not like praying, they were not doing anything because their father and mother know how to pray. They do not read the Bible, they go to parties and do what they want because their parents are prayer warriors.

When God sees that these people will never grow if they continue like this, God took away the mother, took away the Father, then those witchcraft powers that have been fighting them in the night landed on these children; that was what forced them to grow.

God destroys our comfort nests so we can grow. As you learn to fly just as those eaglets practise it, it is then that the anointing to grow comes upon them.

You must know that spiritual power does not come without sacrifice and discipline. You have to pay a price for it. There is no convenient discipleship. It must cost you some inconvenience.

The power of God comes upon you as you begin to move in faith. The anointing is always released when you move, not when you sit down somewhere. Jordan did not move until the children of Israel stepped inside with their feet.

So you may be going through some struggles now. The purpose of the struggle is to lead you to your destiny. Warfare normally surrounds the birth of a miracle. You should remind the enemy that you are a child of the kingdom and that you can not fail.

God trains His people the way the eagle is trained. And this is why it is a useful exercise to study the eagle very well.

So are you here tonight? 2019, same level spiritually, 2020, same level spiritually, 2021, same level spiritually. And you are expected to fight an enemy that is growing everyday.

You must enrol yourself in the training school of the Almighty so that you can become strong and be able to cope with forces that are coping with you.

The fact that you are powerless does not reduce the strength of the enemy that wants to fight you. Tonight, make up your mind that the anointing to fight with wings as eagles will come upon you.

[Before Message]

  1. Arrows in the hand of household strongman, backfire in the name of Jesus.
    (If you have a situation making you cry, go on your knees and pray this) O God arise, put my tears in your bottle and fight for me now in the name of Jesus!
  2. Any satanic cobweb sent to delay my journey, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
  3. Heaven of good reports, open upon my life in the name of Jesus.
  4. (Place your right hand on your forehead) Every mark fighting good things in my life, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
  5. Sacrifices offered to make me fail, backfire in the name of Jesus!
  6. Powers using the hour of the night to conclude my case, scatter in the name of Jesus!
  7. Ancestral dog of my father’s house chasing my glory, die in the name of Jesus.
    [After Message]
  8. O God arise and make me your battle axe in the name of Jesus.
  9. Anointing of the eagle of God, fall upon me now in the name of Jesus
  10. Power to pursue my pursuers, fall upon me now in the name of Jesus.
  11. Satanic basket assigned against my finances, back fire in the name of Jesus.

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