Invading The Warehouse Of Darkness by Pastor D.K Olukoya


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I will like you to listen carefully to this short prayer message. For those who want powerful breakthroughs in today’s program, two things are needed:

1. Volcanic and bulldozing prayer.

2. Holy anger which brings inner fire.

What is a warehouse?

A warehouse is a building for storing things but what people don’t recognize is that there is warehouse in the spirit realm. I’m not asking you to believe me, I know what I’m saying.

There are actually two kinds of warehouse in the spirit realm:

1. Isaiah 42:7; warehouse used for storing human beings in the spirit realm. There is a warehouse in the spirit realm where human beings are kept. Herein lies the mystery, you may be moving about calling yourself names likes doctor, professor e.t.c but your real self is locked up in the spirit realm. I pray for you that any power that has locked up the spirit of anyone in order to lock up their virtues, I command them to be released in the name of Jesus. What a deep mystery that human beings are walking about but in the spirit realm but they are locked up in the prison. When a person is in that kind of warehouse, it makes the person to be unavailable for blessing. They don’t find him or her at the place of blessing, he or she is somewhere else.

2. The second warehouse stores blessings. In Mark 3:27. This is where serious prayer is needed. Luke now throws more light in Luke 11:21-22. You want to invade the strongman house? You have a personality to contest with, it is the strongman. For Jesus himself to called him a strongman, he is indeed a strongman. Father I pray for anyone here whose blessings have been stolen from the womb, they never really had access to it, the strongman holding tight to your blessings, I command the strongman to die in the name of Jesus!

The warehouse of the enemy can also be called the satanic bank. Unfortunately, if God opens your eyes, many good things belonging to the children of God have been kept in satanic warehouses. You may say but how did this things get there? Let me explain.

Also Read: When You See Him By Pastor D.K Olukoya

There are three heavens:

  • The first one you see is called the starring place.
  • The second heaven is the headquarters of the devil.
  • The third heaven is the heaven of heavens which is called the paradise of God.

The most wicked men are men who consult the second heavens.
So there is the first heaven, the second heaven and the third one.

The book of Daniel Chapter 10 opens our eyes a lot about these things and that book is very deep. Daniel started praying and fasting, he wanted to do it for three weeks. God supplied the answers to Daniels’ prayer from day one, the answer supposed to come down from the heaven of heavens through the second heavens. The satanic headquarters in the second heavens prevented the prayers from coming down. One of God’s chief angels had to come to the aid of the angel that was tamed in the second heaven and battles began there for three weeks. Not all angels are arch angels. There are warrior angels, worship angels and messenger angers e.t.c. A military angel had to come down to enable the answers of Daniels prayer to come down from the second heavens and this is why prayer is hard work.

Your prayers must be sharp to go up to the heavens. Your prayers must be violent to penetrate the second heaven. The powers of the second heavens can return your prayer to your heart. Imagine the battle in the heavens for three weeks. Heavenly battle will always preceded earthly victory. Daniels continuous battle was enforcing the hand of heavens, if he had kept quiet, then the answers to his prayers will not come.

What determines quick answers to your prayers:

1. You purity and how violent your prayer is.

2. Whether the enemy has a foot hold in your life.

G.O narrates an incident:

Brother abagana prayed for a good wife. The angels started bringing a wife for him and passed through the second heavens. As the angel passed through, he was confronted by a strongman assigned to brother abagana family. He (the angel) asked why can’t he give him a wife? The strongman said his spirit wife is here and his grand mother covenanted him here many many years ago. His grand father grounded babies in the coven. The queen of the coast showed up and said ‘brother abagana slept with three of our members’. The wife the angel brought was locked up into satanic warehouse. This is why several people don’t know why we pray prayers like this in MFM.


This morning:

1. You need to surrender your life to Jesus.

2. Make up your mind that whatsoever is in that warehouse that belongs to you must be cleared out from the warehouse.

Begin to ask the Lord to forgive you of any sin that will retain what belongs to you in satanic warehouse, ask the Lord to forgive you.

Prayer Rain:

Before Ministration prayers:

Sessional Prayers: Reversing evil verdict by Pastor Abiodun Aladejola

1. Every evil prayer that anyone prays against my life, backfire in the name of Jesus!

2. I shall not die before my miracle appear in the name of Jesus!

3. Anointing that break every yoke, fall upon me in the name of Jesus!

Prayers by Daddy G.O before Sermon:

Many first born are victims of parental experimentation. Many first borns are below and being attacked. Today, the rage of marital delay will be broken to pieces in the lives of your children in the mighty name of Jesus! If you’re here as a 1st or standing in gap, pray these prayers (categories of prayers for 1st borns, Marital delay and neither first born nor marital delay section):

1. I remove my name from the book of ‘born for nothing’ in the name of Jesus! (1st born prayers)

2. Serpents of darkness blocking my marital testimony, die in the name of Jesus! (For singles).

3. Powers assigned to steal my star, die by fire in the name of Jesus! (Category of neither 1st born nor marital delay).

4. Powers that want my destiny to have no voice, die in the name of Jesus! (Category for 1st born prayers).

5. Powers to make me marry my enemies, you’re a liar: die in the name of name of Jesus! (Category for those experiencing marital delay).

6. Weapons of wicked elders against my life, backfire in the name of Jesus! (Category for neither 1st born nor marital delay).

7. I recover every good thing I have lost as a first born in the name of Jesus! (Category for 1st born prayers).

8. Power of marital delay, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus! (Category for those experiencing Marital delay).

9. Every battle assigned to embarrass me, die in the name of Jesus (Category of neither 1st born nor marital delay).

After Ministrations Prayers by Daddy G.O:

The psalmist says that ‘I hate them that hate the Lord with perfect hatred’. As you pray these prayers, I want you to prayer these anti warehouse prayers violently:

10. Warehouse of darkness, release my blessings by fire in the name of Jesus!

11. My testimonies shall be great, my testimonies shall kill my enemies in the name of Jesus!

12. Wicked powers waiting to celebrate my defeat, die in the name of Jesus!

13. Every satanic market offering me for sale, catch fire in the name of Jesus!

14. Pray this prayer three hot times: Powers adding problems to my problems, enough is enough, die in the name of Jesus!

15. Every seed of infirmity in my body, what are you waiting for: die in the name of Jesus!

16. Battles assigned to swallow my testimonies, your time is up: die in the name of Jesus!

17. Wicked bullet flying at night against me, backfire in the name of Jesus!

18. Difficult battles, difficult enemies, be wasted today in the name of Jesus.

This prayer is for so many people today:

19. Power of strange disappointment, I’m not your candidate: die in the name of Jesus.

Special prayers by Daddy G.O after testimony session:

20. Battles surrounding my life with reproach, scatter in the name of Jesus (1st borns)

21. Power of inherited marital problems, die in the name of Jesus. (Category for Marital delay)

22. Any power assigned to write the last chapter of my life for evil, die in the name of Jesus! (Other category)

23. I shall laugh last over all my enemies by the power in the blood of Jesus!

Announcement by Daddy G.O

1. Don’t forget the MFM convention on the 24th and the 25th of August 2019. There is three Manna water sessions and on Sunday the 25th, there will be a thanksgiving service. There shall be buses available to convey anyone attending.

2. Next PMCH, all those believing God for the fruit of the woman must come here with water and faith material. All those who are experiencing marital delay; there is a another special prayer session for them.

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