Jentezen Franklin Ministry Daily Devotional 22 December 2024 | Topic:  This Christmas -
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Jentezen Franklin Ministry Daily Devotional 22 December 2024 | Topic:  This Christmas

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This Christmas

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.’” Luke 2:10

There are four decisions you can make this Christmas season that can change your life. Number one, you have to receive Christ. Christmas is not about gifts, decorated trees, and productions. It is about the Savior of the world coming down to earth so we can have eternal life. Receive Jesus Christ this Christmas. He is the only way to Heaven. You will not go to Heaven if you do not receive Him. What does it mean to receive Jesus? It means your sins are forgiven, you have a home in Heaven, and your past is wiped clean. 

The second thing you can do this Christmas that will change your life is renew your faith. Some of you have said, “I’m putting God on a shelf, and I’ll come back to Him at a more convenient time in my life.” Some of you have gotten too busy for God. Maybe you are going through trials and are facing brokenness in your home. Now is the time to receive Christ and renew your faith because faith can move a mountain. Faith can turn your situation around. It can enable you to walk through a flood and not drown and walk through a fire and not get burned. With Christ, you have hope beyond the present darkness that you are dealing with. Renew your faith today. Just a little faith can change everything. 

Thirdly, you must release your fears this Christmas. God has not given us the spirit of fear. Many times, you will hear parents saying, “I’m so afraid something bad is going to happen.” Many people are living with anxiety, panic attacks, torment, darkness, depression, and loneliness. But the Lord has called His people to walk in faith, not fear. If you have received a doctor’s report that has stolen your peace, release that fear this Christmas. If you have unsaved children, pray and release that worry to God. The angel told Mary, “Fear not.” God will watch over you and your family. He is in control. 

Lastly, this Christmas, God wants to restore the broken relationships in your life. Brokenness is something only Jesus can heal. God wants to restore and rebuild relationships in your family, friendships, and places where there’s been a wall of hurt, anger, and bitterness. You can’t fix these relationships, but God can. Pray this fourfold prayer today: 

“Lord Jesus, I receive you into my life. I’m so sorry. I’ve been so arrogant. I receive you as my only Savior. I believe in you. I believe in the virgin birth and that you died on the cross for me. I believe you rose from the dead and will be coming back again. I believe in Heaven and eternal life. I renew my faith. Please forgive me for turning away from you. I rededicate my life to you today. I release my fears this Christmas. I refuse to live each day with worry, torment, and fear. Please rebuild, reconcile, and restore every broken relationship in my life. You are the Prince of Peace and the Prince of broken pieces. Heal my family and heal my brokenness. Thank you for sending your precious Son to this earth so my family and I can have a better future. Amen