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Jentezen Franklin Ministry Daily Devotional 28 SEPTEMBER 2024 | Topic:  Eagerly Awaiting (Part 3)

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Eagerly Awaiting (Part 3)

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25

Some of you are not eagerly awaiting the return of Jesus. You’re wrapped up, tied up, and tangled up in this present world and Jesus is saying, “I’m coming again.” If you can’t live for God now, what are you going to do when the real spirit of the Antichrist hits this earth and there is a great falling away?

If you live near the edge, you’re going to fall. There was a story of a little girl who kept falling out of the bed. The mama picked her up and said, “Darling, why do you think you’re doing that?” She said, “Mama, I think it’s because I stay so close to where I got in.” You better get off the edge. You better get off of playing with sin, and looking at filth, and filling your soul with the lies and deceptions of compromising Christians. God expects His people to live in holiness and purity. He wants you to turn away from your idols and be washed in the blood of Jesus while you eagerly await His second coming. You have to get the fire back in your walk with God. If something is costing you intimacy with Jesus, you need to turn away from it.   

A man named Bill Borden was in line to inherit the Borden Company, which was, at one time in North America, one of the wealthiest companies in the world. But God gloriously saved him. He was 21 years old. His father owned the massive Borden dairy products and left it all to him but he felt the call to go become a missionary in Brazil. The day before he went his father begged him not to go and said “Son, I want you to be the heir to this company. You’ll be a billionaire. Son, don’t you understand?” And the son said, “Thank you, Father. I’m honored. But God’s called me to Brazil.” And he went and started countless churches and orphanages, and did an amazing ministry there. The night after he turned down his father’s corporation for the call of God on his life he wrote the words “no reserves, no retreat in the back of his Bible.” He preached in Brazil for 5 years until he came down with malaria and died. The back of his Bible read “no reserves, no retreat” and with fading handwriting, as he was dying, he had written “no regrets.”   

It is time to sell out for God. Don’t you give up now. The church needs to be eagerly awaiting the Son of God. Don’t get lukewarm now. Don’t go cold now. Don’t stop praying and reading the Bible. Don’t stop serving God with fire and passion. Pray this prayer:

God, I give you everything. I withhold nothing. I turn away from my idols that I put above you. I declare I will have no reserves, no retreats, and no regrets. I’m not going back. This time, there will be no retreating from my commitment and consecration to you. I gladly give up every habit, every addiction, everything to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I don’t regret serving you. I give you my body. I give you my mind. I give you my friendships. I give you my relationships. Have it all. I will eagerly await the soon return of Jesus Christ.


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