Jentezen Franklin Ministry

Jentezen Franklin Ministry Daily Devotional 3 May  2024 | Lost Language (Part 2) 

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Lost Language (Part 2)

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

Parents, what language are you teaching your children? In Deuteronomy 6 we are told, “Hear therefore, O Israel, the Lord your God is one. Love Him with all of your heart, mind, and strength, and these words which I command ye this day shall be in thine heart, and ye shall teach them diligently unto your children. And ye shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.” 

When your kids wake up, do you talk about Jesus? When you get in the car, do you play worship music lifting up the name of Jesus? When they play a baseball game or perform in a recital do you pray with them and make Jesus the center? Culture’s always talking to them through social media and other methods and you have to be intentional to make sure your kids are hearing the language of God each day.

That’s why you come to church because being around other believers will teach them the language of faith. But it’s not enough to just speak the language in church, it’s got to be happening in the home. Every morning, every night, all day, any chance you get, throw faith in there. Throw “I’m praying for you” before they get out of the car and “Thank you Jesus” before every meal.  

Your kids may say you’re a fanatic and ask why you can’t be like other parents but don’t water down the language of faith. Show them that it’s okay and even a privilege to be different from the world. It is the responsibility of the parents and grandparents to talk about the glory of God. Talk about how He protected you and how He saved you. Tell them about how you were messed up until God changed your life. Tell them all the stories of victory that you have been blessed to experience in your lifetime. 

Some of us have unknowingly altered our language to the culture around us. We say to our children, “Excel in academia, get the American dream, marry a gorgeous husband or wife, become wealthy” because these are the things that matter to us. “Get the white picket fence, have the two story house, get the luxury SUV, and make it to the top of your corporation.” And that’s all fine, but that is not our first language. We should not be speaking that dialect more than we are speaking the language of Jesus.

Our first language should be, “You were born for a purpose. God has a calling on your life. Jesus died and rose again so you could be His vessel. And whatever you do, you must glorify God.” That’s our first language! We’re living in a time when we don’t hear the language of sacrifice. Most of our children don’t even have the thought of serving or going a missions trip. They’re not even taught that way because it’s not important to parents anymore. Many Christians today have married the culture that they live in more than the Word of God and His priorities and we need to make a change.


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