Jentezen Franklin Ministry Daily Devotional 5 OCTOBER 2024 | Topic:  Arise To Your Best -
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Jentezen Franklin Ministry Daily Devotional 5 OCTOBER 2024 | Topic:  Arise To Your Best

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Arise To Your Best

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

God wants to bring the best out of you. You can rise above the life that you’ve been living. Life’s greatest failure is to not be true to the best life God has put inside of you to live. You’re a failure when you just settle and don’t become what God has called you to be. You can be better than you are. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

There are so many undeveloped gifts and talents lying dormant in God’s people. The best that is in you is waiting to be heard. Don’t lie in your worst when you can rise to your best. Jesus gave His life because He saw that you could be better. He saw that you could be something that you’re not being now, and that’s why He came and shed His blood – so that you could have a personal relationship with Him and be something better. Jesus sees the unseen best and yearns to bring it out to bless the world. There’s a better you that you have never met.

There’s greatness in you and God wants to bring it out. God looked at smelly fishermen and said, “There’s a better catch in you. You catch fish pretty well, but come be fishers of men” and they ended up catching thousands of men in one throw of the gospel net. God looked at Gideon and said, “You’re the one I have chosen. Go and deliver my people. The Lord is with you.” But Gideon forgot God was with him and started talking about his own insufficiency. You may have forgotten that your sufficiency is not of yourself. Your sufficiency is not in your talent, gift, intellect, or great personality. Your sufficiency is in God. When God’s angel addressed Gideon he said, “You are a mighty man of valor” even though Gideon did not yet see it.

There’s two great revelations – the revelation of who Jesus is and the revelation of who you are in Him. When you learn who you are in Him, there is a confidence that arises and an unshakeable faith that says, “I can move mountains and I can walk on water if Jesus is with me. I can run through troops and I can jump over walls and no weapon formed against me shall prosper.”

God sees and seeks to surface the very best in us. Listen to this scripture in Micah 5:2, “Bethlehem, though you be little among the thousands, of thee shall a ruler come forth.” He was saying, “You see yourself as small. You see yourself as insignificant. You see yourself as an inch, but I see you as a ruler. I see something that’s going to come out of you.”

God sees something in you. No matter how little your own appraisal of yourself is, God sees something in you just like He saw that little nowhere place called Bethlehem and said, “There’s something great that is going to come out of you.” We know it was Jesus. That was a prophecy. And God looks at us and we may belittle ourselves and we put ourselves down and we diminish our importance, but God looks at us and says, “There’s something great that can come out of you. There’s something significant that can come out of your life. There’s something powerful that you can do. Don’t settle for good or even better, but believe Me to bring something great out of your life.”


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