Topic: Invest In Yourself [Joel Osteen Devotional 26 May 2019]
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…they have made me a keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept.
Song of Solomon 1:6, NKJV
Living a balanced life brings peace, joy and health to every area of your life. When you are out of balance in your life, you open a door to the enemy. If you’re always on the go, constantly working, and never taking time for yourself, you will end up stressed out and overwhelmed, and you won’t be able to enjoy life the way that God intended. Solomon was good at taking care of everyone else—his family, his friends, his work. He made sure everyone else was happy, but in doing that, he neglected to take care of himself. Are you living like that today? Do you spend all your time on other people, but not any on yourself? Eventually, you will burn out and won’t be able to reach out to others. Decide today to begin investing in yourself. Take time to relax and rejuvenate yourself. Appreciate and enjoy the great things God has placed in your life. When you are refreshed emotionally, physically and spiritually, you are able to give to others more effectively. As you bring balance to your life, you will begin to enjoy life to the fullest.
God, my plate is full. I spend much of my time running, serving, doing. Remind me that it is OK to slow down and enjoy a quiet moment with You. Refresh my spirit and help me to live a balanced life with You at the top of my To-Do list. In Jesus’ name – Amen.
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