Topic: It’s No Surprise to Him [Joel Osteen Devotional june 24 2019]

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But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph…
2 Corinthians 2:14, AMPC


In life, we all have to deal with the unexpected. The Scripture says, “The rain falls on the just and the unjust.” No matter how good a person you are, there’s going to be some rain in your life. Being a person of faith doesn’t exempt you from difficulties. When something unexpected happens or you find yourself facing a crisis, don’t automatically go into panic mode or fall apart emotionally. Realize that the crisis is no surprise to God. It may be unexpected to you, but God knows the end from the beginning. He has solutions to problems that you haven’t even had yet. He has equipped you for every battle, and He goes before you to make your crooked places straight! 

Today, instead of focusing on your problem, focus on your God. Focus on the fact that He is with you. Remember that He is walking with you, leading and guiding you to a place of peace and victory. No matter what has happened, He will take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for your good. He always leads us in victory. So keep moving forward knowing that He has a good plan for you!


Heavenly Father, I come to You with an open and humble heart. I thank You for the victory that You have in store for me even when I can’t see it. I choose to trust You and Your goodness, knowing that You are faithful in Jesus’ name. Amen

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