Topic: Nehemiah 2:18 [John Hagee Devotional july 21 2019]

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And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, ‘Let us rise up and build.’ Then they set their hands to this good work

Building a healthy marriage is much like a construction project. Whether you are praying to meet God’s choice for you or have been married for a while, certain principles hold true for the border of marriage.

Nehemiah, the prophet, returned to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after the Babylonians destroyed the city. He encouraged those Jews struggling to live in the devastated city.

He let them know that the hand of God was good upon him. And God’s hand is still good upon us today. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Architect of our marriages. When we follow His plans, we build on a sure Foundation.

Every construction project begins with a dream and a blueprint. Nehemiah had King Artaxerxes’ letters. The King of kings has spoken His direction for our marriages. In humility, we first submit to Jesus, and then to one another. In sacrificial love, we lay down our lives in the same way that Christ laid down His life for us.

With the hand of God good upon us, we confidently rise up to set our hands to this good work. Hand in hand with Jesus, we will build loving marriages that stand the tests of time.


And now may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Pledge to do everything in your power to follow God’s plan for a sacred marriage. Build on the sure foundation that is Christ Jesus to enjoy a marriage that endures and glorifies His name…amen.

Today’s Bible Reading: 

Old Testament

2 Chronicles 4:1-6:13

New Testament 

Romans 7:1-14

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 17:1-15

Proverbs 19:22-23

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