John Hagee Devotional july 23 -

Topic: 1 John 5:14 [John Hagee Devotional july 23 2019]

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Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us

Building a marriage and a family will prove to be one of the most difficult things that we accomplish in this life. And unless the Lord builds our homes, we labor in vain (Psalm 127:1).

When the king saw how Nehemiah, the prophet, grieved over his broken-down hometown, he asked, “What do you request?” He demanded to know how he could help.

We have a Heavenly Father Whose eyes are on us, Who is attuned to our cries, and comes to our rescue. He is especially near to the brokenhearted, to those who are discouraged (Psalm 34:18).

When our marriages hit rough patches or our children make wrong choices, we have an Advocate in Jesus Who lives to make intercession for us. When you and your spouse boldly approach the throne of grace through prayer, He promises to hear and to work on your behalf. He never leaves us to flounder on our own.

Even in struggles, if we continue to honor each other and to recognize one another as co-inheritors of God’s grace, nothing can interfere with our prayers. And when you and your spouse agree together in prayer, our Father will give you the answer.

Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Our King of Kings is eager to know: “What do you request?”


Precious Jesus, thank You for interceding for my marriage. Teach our family to walk in faith and to honor You in every way. In Your name, we ask…amen.

Today’s Bible Reading: 

Old Testament

2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19

New Testament 

Romans 8:9-23

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 18:16-34

Proverbs 19:26

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