Topic: Isaiah 6:8 [John Hagee Devotional june 1 2019]

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Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me’

The Church today is not so much guilty of the sin of commission or omission, but of no mission. We hang back and wait for the lost to enter our world when we need to enter their world with God’s love and His heart.

We have been rescued, saved, delivered, healed, showered with blessings, and highly favored. This good news should be so uncontainable that we are sharing it with every person we encounter. Instead, we often hoard it, hide it, and hope nobody asks.

We stall while we wait for the grand gesture – to speak to thousands, to touch the masses, to travel to a foreign land. But can we walk across the street and talk to our neighbors? Jesus’ example for us was often the opposite of the grand gesture. He held a child. He ate fish with his friends around a campfire. He touched a leper when no one else would. He discussed the Scriptures in the temple. And every one of those simple gestures had a profound impact.

Mother Teresa said, “God never asked me to be successful. God asked me to be obedient.” Let’s begin to think specifically about how we can obey the Lord. How can we be more intentional in the mission to which God has called us? Let’s stop drifting aimlessly.

Who can we invite to church?
Who can we visit in the hospital or nursing home?
Who can we ask out to share a meal?
How can we better use our finances for His purposes?
Who can we pray for tenaciously?
Can we give a cup of cold water to someone? Just start there!

A whole world around us is floundering, flailing, and fading fast. We have the hope. We have the remedy. Jesus has already sent us out on assignment (Matthew 28:19). Let’s fulfill our mission…starting now.


Heavenly Father, here I am. Send me. Let me be quick to answer and quick to go. Where I lack courage, help me to be brave. Help me say the words that You would have me speak. Help me to share generously all that You have given to me. In the name of Jesus…amen.

Today’s Bible Reading: 

Old Testament

2 Samuel 18:1-19

New Testament 

John 20:1-31

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 119:156-176

Proverbs 16:14-15

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