Topic: JESUS ALWAYS HAS TIME FOR YOU [Joseph Prince Devotional 28 May 2019]
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Revelation 1:8
“I am…the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Ever been too busy to get something done, and then find out that it’s too late when you finally get down to it? As human beings, we live our lives constrained by time. But Jesus, the one who created time, is not time-bound. He always has time for each one of us!
Even in His earthly ministry, in His limited form as Man, He always had time to minister to people. Consider a typical day in His ministry: When a severely demon-possessed man cried out from the tombs of a distant region, He had time to sail all the way from Galilee to the country of the Gadarenes to save that lonely, tormented man. On the way there, He had time to respond to the cries of His disciples when a fierce storm arose. He awoke from a much-deserved sleep and calmed the storm for them.
After He saved the demonized man and returned to Galilee, another man, Jairus, came to him for help. Jairus’ 12-year-old daughter was dying and he begged Jesus to come to his house to heal her. Jesus agreed—He had time. But on His way there, a woman with a 12-year bleeding condition secretly touched the hem of His garment and received her healing. Though Jairus’ daughter was in the throes of death, Jesus had time to find out who had touched Him, just so that He could minister to that person.
While Jesus was ministering to the woman, He received a death report concerning Jairus’ daughter. Now, in the natural, Jesus was “too late.” Yet, He did not consider it a waste of time to encourage Jairus, “Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well” (Luke 8:49–50). He wasn’t troubled or harried. He took time to go to Jairus’ house and He raised the little damsel from the dead.
My friend, this same loving Jesus always has time for you, His beloved. He hears your cries, cares about the little and big things that bother you, and will come and save you. Even when He is “busy,” He has time to stop and minister to you. Even when it seems “too late,” He will still see to it that you get your miracle!
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