Topic: A New Thing [Joyce Meyer Devotional 31 May 2019]

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Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.— Isaiah 43:19

Do you ever get really tired of doing the same old thing all the time? You want to do something different but you either don’t know what to do, or you are afraid to do the new thing you are thinking about doing?

You often get into ruts. You do the same thing all the time even though you are bored with it because you are afraid to step out and do something different. You would rather be safe and bored than excited and living on the edge. There is a certain amount of comfort in sameness you may not like it, but you are familiar with it.

God has created you to need and crave diversity and variety. You require freshness and newness in your life. As this year and this day come to an end, make a quality decision to step out into the new thing God has for you. And don’t forget to enjoy yourself!

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for the new and exciting things You have for me this coming year! Help me to boldly step out and obey what You put in my heart. I know that Your plans always lead to joy, fulfillment, and good things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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