MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 15 April 2020 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – No Greater Power

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TOPIC: No Greater Power (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 15 April 2020)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Kings 13-14

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 4:1-34; Revelation 12:11

MEMORY VERSE: “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” – Isaiah 40:29

Most destinies are changed for the worst or for the best through good and bad contacts. May God help you to avoid bad contacts and embrace good contacts.

PRAISE WORSHIP: Take a worship song as led by the Holy Spirit



Today, we shall examine the greatest power in you. There is no greater power in the whole universe. There is a power that supersedes every other power. That power, transforms simple things into powerful weapons. The awesomeness and mystery of the power in the Blood of Jesus is not being preached in the church today. Many present day Christians do not know many things about victory in the battles of life. Learning to claim the power in the Blood of Jesus is very important. It is a prayer that brings deliverance and protection. There is a weapon that has never lost its power, but people have not learnt to use it; whereas, it is highly effective. Even the enemy is afraid, when you start to talk about it. That old serpent, the dragon, that the Bible talks about, saying: “Woe unto the earth and the sea…” There is a weapon that can overcome it. There is nothing that God created, that He cannot rearrange; there is no enemy that God cannot defeat.

Also Read: Open Heaven 15 April 2020 – Rivers Of Living Water

A two-year old girl leant this song and was always singing it: “There is power, there is power, there is power in the Blood of Jesus.” Her mother noticed that she never took ill. One day the mother washed the girl’s clothes and hung them outside. There was high wind, which blew her small panty to the compound next to theirs, and it landed in the sitting room of a neighbour, who was a herbalist. Immediately the pant landed, there was a pandemonium in the room; everything turned upside down. Everything he knew how to do failed; nothing could avail for him. He did his consultation and he found out that there was a strange thing in the room. He tried to pick it but he fell. He started to rain incantations, offered sacrifice, poured libations but he could not make a headway. He could not touch the pant, and everywhere was hot. Throughout that day, no customer came for consultation; he battled throughout the night. The following day, the wind blew again and this time, the girl saw her toy flying towards the man’s sitting room. She followed it and then saw her pant. She went straight towards it and picked it, singing her song: “There is power in the Blood of Jesus.” The herbalist tried to stop her, thinking the ‘strange’ thing would harm her but she picked it and left, still singing. That incidence converted the witchdoctor. He surrendered his life to Christ, having seen that His Power is the absolute Power. He left his beggarly powers and came to the Lord.

To overcome, you must stand on the Blood of the Lamb.



  1. I bind every strongman from my father’s and mother’s sides attached to my marital life, in the name of Jesus.
  2. I bind and paralyse every strongman of fear in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  3. I take authority over, and order the binding of the strongman of financial failure.


  1. I bind every strongman holding my privileges and rights captive, in Jesus’ name.
  2. I bind, plunder and render to naught every strongman assigned to my (. . .) and marital life, in Jesus’ name.
  3. Let all multiple strongman operating against me be paralysed in Jesus’ name. I bind the strongman attached to the life of . . . (mention the name of the person), from keeping him from receiving Christ as his Lord and Saviour, in the name of Jesus.
  4. I release myself from the hold of any evil strongman, in the name of Jesus.

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

30 DAYS PRAYER RETREAT DAY 25 (Wednesday April 15, 2020)

Aggressive Praise Worship

I serve a risen Saviour,
He’s in the world today;
I know that He is living,
Whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy,
I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him
He’s always near.

He lives, He lives,
Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life’s narrow way. He lives,
He lives, Salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart.

In all the world around me
I see His loving care,
And though my heart grows weary
I never will despair;
I know that He is leading,
Through all the stormy blast,
The day of His appearing
Will come at last.

Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian,
Lift up your voice and sing,
Eternal hallelujahs,
To Jesus Christ the King!
The hope of all who seek Him,
The help of all who find,
None other is so loving,
So good and kind.

Confession: Psalm 91
Prayer Points

505.Father Lord, let the wind of the Holy spirit blow in His fullness into the lives of the congregation, in the name of Jesus.

506.We stand against the spirit of broken homes in the lives of the congregation, in the name of Jesus.

507.We stand against every business attack and financial failure in the lives of the congregation, in the name of Jesus.

508.Anything I have eaten or swallowed, presently working against my health, be dissolved by the power of God, in the name of Jesus.

509.Every demon termite eating my body, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

510.Every disease of Egypt, I am not your candidate, in the name of Jesus.

511.Every enemy saying where is my God, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.

512.Every power of the dog working late at night against me, be dismantled, in the name of Jesus.

513.Every power of the night working against my victory, die, in Jesus’ name.

514.Every organised worker of iniquity, depart from me, in the name of Jesus.

515.Every counsel of evil kings against me, be scattered, in the name of Jesus.

516.Every worker of death, be cast down and be unable to rise, in Jesus’ name.

517.Every drinker of blood and eater of flesh coming against me, die, in the name of Jesus.

518.Every cord of darkness militating against my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.

519.Every band of the wicked that is arresting my progress, break, in the name of Jesus.

520.Evil shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate, in the name of Jesus.

521.Agenda of wasters for our land, be nullified with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

522.You dark stronghold in charge of sickness and disease in our land, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

523.We use the blood of Jesus to sanitize our land and to cleanse it from every coven-sponsored sickness and disease, in the name of Jesus.

524.Thou dragon power behind this pestilence, we bury you forever by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

525.Strongman behind this pandemic, we bind and cast you out of our nation, in the name of Jesus.

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