MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 24 December 2019 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Dealing With Evil Embargoes

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TOPIC: Dealing With Evil Embargoes (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 24 December 2019)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Habakkuk; Revelation 15

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Revelation 12:7-11

MEMORY VERSE: “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” – 1 John 3:8


An embargo means full stop. An embargo means you will not progress beyond this point. An embargo means you will not go upward or be promoted beyond this point. An embargo is a form of limitation. When it is placed on a life, the enemy is saying that the life will not get better than it is. Therefore an embargo is the work of the devil. The enemy places embargo on people’s lives, destinies, careers, businesses, marriages and so on, to frustrate them. I decree that the embargo of darkness will not prosper in your life, in the name of Jesus.

Also Read: Open Heaven 24 December 2019 – The Precious Holy Spirit

Have you noticed that your life has been devoid of any meaningful progress and your desired change has been a fleeting illusion for years? An evil embargo is apparently at work in your life. How do people become victims of the embargo of darkness? Let us examine some of the ways.

First, sin is the principal spiritual force that gives the enemy the legal right to put embargoes on people’s lives. Sin opens the door for the ememy. When you break the hedge, the serpent will bite you.

The second thing that makes people acquire the embargo of darkness is ignorance. The mountain of every man is the mountain of his ignorance. I pray that God will damage your ignorance. The truth, beloved is that ignorance is costly and deadly. It has turned many people to victims of evil embargo and only God can save them.

Another cause of evil embargo in people’s lives is powerlessness. When a Christian refuses to be filled with the Holy Spirit, when his prayer life, Bible Study and Quite Time are nothing to write home about, he or she will lack the power to resist, stop and overcome the devil when he comes to introduce evil embargo into his or her life.

Sometimes, embargoes are inherited. However, whether they are personally acquired or inherited, there are ways out of evil embargoes. In other words, the Bible offers genuine help and hope and deliverance for victims of the embargoes of darkness.

First, you must confess your sins and forsake them completely. If you are not born again, you must give your life to Jesus Christ. The Bible says that by knowledge shall the just be delivered. You must study the Word of God, acquire knowledge necessary for breaking every embargo of darkness in your life. You should go for deliverance or conduct personal deliverance for yourself if you are mature enough to do so. Taking advantage of the corporate anointing and help on the deliverance ground might be better.

Lastly, you must receive the power of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of fire. This will make you too hot for the enemy to handle or molest henceforth. You should then pray fire prayers to destroy any embargo on your life as well as the enemies troubling you with evil embargoes. Command the owners of evil embargoes in your life to carry their load, in Jesus’ name.

God gives great deliverance to His kings and shows mercy to His anointed.



1. Embargo of my father’s house, your time is up, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
2. Embargo of darkness, my life is not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. Embargo that wants me to die like this, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

4. Evil embargo placed on my destiny and promotion, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
5. Embargo of darkness troubling my finances, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
6. Embargo of darkness troubling my calling and ministry, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
7. Embargo of darkness troubling my marital destiny, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

Day 1 – I Pray Your Way Into 2020

Day One – December 24 2019
Scripture Reading: Job 42
Confession: Isaiah 60:1

1 Let all the world in ev‘ry corner sing,
My God and King!
The heav’ns are not too high,
His praise may thither fly;
The earth is not too low,
His praises there may grow.
Let all the world in ev‘ry corner sing,
My God and King!“

2 Let all the world in ev‘ry corner sing,
My God and King!
The church with psalms must shout:
No door can keep them out.
But, above all, the heart
Must bear the longest part,
Let all the world in ev‘ery corner sing,
My God and King!“

Praise Worship

Prayer Points

1. Father, l thank You because You are the Lord God in the name of Jesus.
2. Father I praise Your Holy name for Your Greatness, in the name of Jesus.
3. O God l thank You for You are my Strength and Shield in the name of Jesus.
4. l bless and honour You, Lord because You are my Strong tower in the name of Jesus.
5. Lord let the power in the blood of Jesus Christ begin to return all my lost blessings, in the name of Jesus.
6. I download ancestral blessings on my head in the name of Jesus.
7. Evil ancestral umbrella preventing my blessings, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
8. O Lord, give me the blessings I deserve to excel in life, in the name of Jesus.
9. O Lord, frustrate anyone that is bent on pushing me out of the place of my blessing, in the name of Jesus.
10. Field of battles, replacing my field of blessings, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
11. Powers afflicting my family with battles, thunder of God, destroy them, in the name of Jesus.
12. Powers on assignment to turn my days of joy to days of battles, Lion of Judah, tear them to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
13. O God, arise and reject every arrow assigned to make my family members instruments of battles to one another, in the name of Jesus.
14. Powers of darkness assigned to enslave me on the day of my glory, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.

Now, make these confessions out loud
1. I pursue my enemies, I overtake and destroy them, in Jesus‘ name.
2. The Lord has lifted me up and I am seated with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, far above principalities, powers and dominion, and the Lord has put all things under my feet, and I use my feet to bruise and destroy all my enemies even satan, in the name of Jesus.
3. In Jesus‘ name, anywhere the soles of my feet shall tread upon, the Lord has given unto me.
4. I tread upon and destroy completely all strongholds and barriers of the enemy against me, in the name of Jesus.
5. I tread on them with the shoes of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I make an utter ruin of them all and all their possessions, kingdoms, thrones, dominions, palaces and everything in them, in Jesus’ name.
6. I erase them all and I make them completely desolate, in Jesus‘ name.
7. My strength is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is my strength. I receive strength from the Lord, in the name of Jesus.

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