MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 26 September 2019 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Finding Favour With Those In Authority -

MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 26 September 2019 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Finding Favour With Those In Authority

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TOPIC: Finding Favour With Those In Authority (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 26 September 2019)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 1-2; Galatians 5

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Esther 5:1-8

MEMORY VERSE: “So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.” –Proverbs 3:4


As a child of God, it is important for you to pray and obtain the favour of God. Jesus had the favour of God, John the Baptist had the favour of God, Joseph, Samuel and David did. Apart from God’s favour, you need the favour of all men and women. However, in the category of human favour, you need to pray and specially obtain the favour of those in authority. It will make life easier for you and make the fulfillment of your destiny a reality. David found favour with God and His prophet; Samuel. Samuel was in spiritual authority as a priest and prophet in Israel. By finding favour with God and Samuel, David’s life was changed completely. The shepherd boy tendering the flock of his father in the forest soon became a palace dweller. He also enjoyed favour with king Saul for some time, until the king made envy to take the better part of him. Nehemiah found favour with king Saul for some time, until the king made envy to take the better part of him. Nehemiah found favour with the king and he got the permission to go and rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem. I pray that you will find favour with those in spiritual and physical authority.

In our Fire Scripture of today, the Bible shows that God controls the favours of kings. In the kingdom of Ahauserus; the Persian king, the law of the land was sacrosanct, anyone who breaks the law made by the king was punished severely, regardless of who the person was. For example, when Queen Vashti refused the commandment of the king to come before his guests and show her beauty, she was adjudged to have done the king and the whole nation great wrong. A royal decree went out stating that Vashti was not ever to come to the presence of the king and her position as well as royal estate was given to another better than she. The fall of Vashti occasioned the emergence of Queen Esther. Vashti did not enjoy the favour of the ones in authority (the king and his subjects). Hence, she fell from grace to grass.

The Almighty God who controls the favour of kings and those in authority made an exception in the case of Esther. In Esther 5:1-3, according to the law of Medes and Persia, you don’t go to the presence of the king Ahauserus except he calls you. If you go to him unsummoned, you will die. At that time, Haman had perfected a plot to destroy all the Jews in the land and had got the king’s consent. The Jews needed divine intervention as well as the timely move of Esther whom God had positioned in the palace for a time like that. Esther and all the Jews knew about the law. Esther was not summoned and knew she could die. But with prayer and fasting and faith in God, she went to the king. Instead of the king to get angry and order her death, he said, “My beautiful queen, what can I do for you? Ask anything you want up to half my kingdom.” That was divine favour. Esther had favour with the one in authority (king Ahauserus); that favour preserved her, saved and promoted all the Jews in the land. Their arch enemy (Haman) committed suicide and ended shamefully. Vashti violated the law of the land and fell from grace to grass while Esther violated the law of the land, lived and got her coast enlarged! I pray that, henceforth, you will enjoy the favour of God and those in authority, in Jesus’ name.


May the goodness of God’s face forever shine on your path.



1. Father, let Your divine favour locate me and lift me out of obscurity, in the name of Jesus.

2. Let rivers of favour and mercy flow into my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

3. Let favour and mercy continually be my companion, in the name of Jesus.


4. O God, arise and favour me now, in the name of Jesus.

5. I plug my life into the socket of divine favour by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

6. Anti-favour arrow, fired against me, backfire, in the name of Jesus.

7. Seed of disfavour, my life is not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.

MFM 2019 Seventy Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

Day 53 of 70 Days



Scripture Reading: Daniel 6

SECTION Confession: Isaiah 54:14 – In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.

Day 3, Thursday (26-09-19)

Reading through the Bible in 70 Days (Day 53-Malachi 2:7-4:7; Matt 1:1-13:13)

Devotional Songs

Praise and Worship

Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving (To be said Daily)


50 I rebuke every habitation of sickness in my body, in the name of Jesus.

51 I destroy the grip and operation of satan in my life, in the name of Jesus.

52 Every knee of infirmity in my destiny, bow, in the name of Jesus.

53 O Lord, let my negativity be converted to positivity, in the name of Jesus.

54 I shake out every poison of shame from my body, in the name of Jesus.

55 By the power that raised Jesus from the dead, I shall see sickness no more in my life, in the name of Jesus.

56 O Lord, let Your whirlwind scatter every vessel of infirmity fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus.

57 Every dark spirit hindering my healing, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

58 My Father, let all death contractors kill themselves, in the name of Jesus.

59 Lord, let every germ of infirmity in my bloodstream die, in the name of Jesus.

60 Lord, let every agent of sickness hiding in my organs die, in the name of Jesus.

61 Hidden sicknesses, disappear from my blood and bones, in the name of Jesus.

62 Fountain of discomfort in my bodily system, dry up, in the name of Jesus.

63 Every dead organ in my body, receive life now, in the name of Jesus.

64 Lord, let my blood be transfused with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

65 l speak to every internal disorder to receive order now, In the name of Jesus.

66 Every hidden and stubborn infirmity, come out with all your roots and die, in the name of Jesus.

67 l withdraw every conscious and unconscious co-operation with sickness, in the name of Jesus.

68 Father, let the whirlwind of the Lord blow away every wind of infirmity targeting my life, in the name of Jesus.

69 l release my body from every cage of infirmity, in the name of Jesus.

70 Lord, let the blood of Jesus flush out every evil deposit from my blood, in the name of Jesus.

71 l recover every organ of my body from all evil altars they may be on, in the name of Jesus.

72 Holy Ghost fire, arise, kill every satanic deposit in my head, in Jesus‘ name.

73 My head, receive deliverance by fire, in the name of Jesus.

74 Wicked elders, summoning my head from the gate of the grave, die, in the name of Jesus.

75 O God, arise, thunder from heaven and scatter my tormentors, in Jesus’ name.

76 Thou power of God, arise, attack all covens assigned against my head, in the name of Jesus.

77 O God, arise and draw me out of the waters of affliction of the wicked elders, in the name of Jesus.

70 DAYS PRAYER & FASTING PROGRAMME is published by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide)

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

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