MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 29 September 2019 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Look Unto Jesus

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TOPIC: Look Unto Jesus (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 29 September 2019)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 7-8; Ephesians 2

FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 1:1-11

MEMORY VERSE: “They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.” – Psalms 34:5


Hannah was in a precarious situation. Her womb was shut. A woman has a biological clock. Except miracle, if the time for her by nature passes, she may not be able to have a child anymore. In every culture and clime, the expectation of the society is that after wedding, couples should start having children. If children do not come after some years, the couple, especially the wife, becomes object of gossip, ridicule and accusation among neighbours and in-laws. Sometimes, the woman loses favour with the husband and the home becomes uninhabitable for her. In Hannah’s case, her major tormentor was Peninah, the other wife, not Elkannah; her husband. The fact that you have a challenge is not the big issue, rather the big issue is how you respond to that challenge. If you respond the right way (trusting God all the way and remaining in His will), the challenge will birth promotion, greatness and destiny fulfilment. If your response is wrong (seeking help outside God and leaning on your own understanding), you will reap regret and sorrow.

Hannah looked upon the God of Israel for solution to her problem. She didn’t seek help from beggarly powers and the kingdom of darkness. She cast her burden upon the Lord. Every challenge a believer passes through is a test of faith. Once he passes the test of faith, breakthrough and promotion will follow. The way to pass heaven’s test of faith is to always look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith for solution and help in whatever unpleasant situation you find yourself. You must trust Him absolutely. Don’t allow public opinion or pressure from friends and peers to take you out of God’s presence and will, in your desperate search for solution.

Every problem has an expiry date. The Bible says, “Surely there is an end and the expectation of the righteous will not be cut short” (Proverbs 23:18). Hold on to God’s word. Heaven and earth will pass away, but not a jot of His Word will go unfulfilled. The same God who terminated barreness in the lives of Sarah, Rebecca, Hannah and Elizabeth will terminate marital delay, barreness, ill-health, poverty, joblessness and every problem the enemy is using to trouble your life, in Jesus’ name. The wickedness of the wicked will expire in your life today, in Jesus’ name.

In spite of what Hannah was passing through, she was fervent in prayer. She knew that the God of Israel answers prayer. She did not stop going to Shiloh and God eventually answered her. By prayer, Jabez experienced a turnaround in his fortune, Jacob experienced destiny change and fulfilment, and Elijah won a whole nation back to God. Truly, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much. Prayer is the key to unlock and access the resources of heaven. It guarantees the release of power and help from on high to make things work in your favour. It brings God into your situation to make the impossible possible. Beloved, no problem is too big for heaven to solve. Just look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith! When you do, you will have all-round victory, blessing, joy and celebration.


The Lord will answer you in the days of trouble.



1 My portion shall not be given to another in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus.

2 Every eater of good things in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

3 O God, arise and send help to me from Zion, in the name of Jesus.


4 Lord, I trust in You, let me not be ashamed, in the name of Jesus.

5 Father, let not Your name be reproached in my life, in the name of Jesus.

6 Lord, remember Your covenant with me and deliver me from my oppressors, in the name of Jesus.

7 O Lord, arise and answer Your name in my life, in the name of Jesus.

MFM 2019 Seventy Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

Day 56 of 70 Days



Scripture Reading: Daniel 6

SECTION Confession: Isaiah 54:14 – In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.

Day 6, Sunday (29-09-19)

Reading through the Bible in 70 Days (Day 56 Mark 6:34- 16:11)

Devotional Songs

Praise and Worship

Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving (To be said Daily)


134 This is my year; therefore, I must shine by fire, in the name of Jesus.

135 I bind every unprofitable investment, in the name of Jesus.

136 The hand of the enemy will not prevail over me this year, in Jesus name.

137 I raise my staff of prayer to divide my Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.

138 I receive the miracle of supernatural promotion, in the name of Jesus.

139 Every witchcraft agenda for my life this year, die, in the name of Jesus.

140 Every robber of divine favour, die, in the name of Jesus.

141 Every dream of affliction, die, in the name of Jesus.

142 Anything weakening the power of God in my tongue, die, in Jesus‘name.

143 I destroy all pursuing bondage, in the name of Jesus.

144 My life, receive the power of God that cannot be insulted, in Jesus’ name

145 I break the law that put my enemies in place, in the name of a Jesus.

146 O God, arise in my life and let the whole world know that You are God, in the name of Jesus.

147 Every power enslaving my life, O God, arise and destroy it, in Jesus’ name.

148 Every spiritual witchcraft chain, used to hold down my progress, break, in the name of Jesus.

149 The words of my adversaries shall not stand, in the name of Jesus.

150 Every enemy of progress within me, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.

151 Lord, make me an extraordinary wonder all the days of my life, in the name of Jesus.

152 Any power assigned to waste my efforts in life, die, in the name of Jesus.

153 Wicked altars assigned against me, set your owners ablaze, in Jesus name.

154 Any sickness assigned to overtake my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

155 Pharaoh of backwardness, directing my affairs, die, in the name of Jesus.

156 Every unrighteous oath taking of my ancestors, die, in the name of Jesus.

157 Every dark hand in my foundation, fighting my destiny, wither, in the name of Jesus.

158 The glory of God that overshadowed Mary, overshadow me now, in the name of Jesus.

159 Holy Spirit, overshadow my life and my system, in the name of Jesus.

160 Lord, let the rain of Your healing power envelop my system, in Jesus’ name.

161 l place myself at the foot of the cross of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

70 DAYS PRAYER & FASTING PROGRAMME is published by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide)

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

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