MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 5 June 2019 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Handling Money (I); Godliness and Money

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TOPIC: Handling Money (I); Godliness and Money (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 5 June 2019)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 23-24; John 15

FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Timothy 6:6-10

MEMORY VERSE: “But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.” – 1 Timothy 6:11


The Bible says a lot about money. It speaks about earning and spending, saving and giving and even wasting of money.

It puts to rest two commonly held misconceptions about money and godliness.

  1. That money provides ultimate security;
  2. That God condemns the rich for being rich.

God certainly hates false gain, wrong motive for getting rich, and lack of compassionate generosity among the wealthy. Some of the most godly people in the Bible were rich. Job, Abraham, Joseph, David, Solomon, Barnabas, Philemon, Lydia, etc. 1 Timothy 6:6 says “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” A believer must guide against greed, “for the love of money is the root of all evil” (vs 10). True wealth comes from consistent and authentic walk with God and by having a proper perspective on life. You must realise that, you can’t take with you anything out of this world because you did not come with anything into it.

If you are struggling to make ends meet, you must guard against being envious of the wealthy and focus on learning contentment in life. When people are engaged in ungodly pursuit of money, it is only a matter of time before they are ensnared and miserable and in the process, they lose the very thing they thought money could provide (peace, happiness, love, satisfaction, etc.). Therefore, as a believer, put away any conceit and forget about finding ultimate security in riches. Instead, tap into that which is life eternal by cultivating generosity.

Speaking of riches, the greatest treasures are those found in Jesus Christ. Then you can begin to experience the “true riches” which Jesus offers to all who will obey Him. I pray that we will depend solely on Christ as our supplier.


Grace to acquire wealth the right way shall fall upon you as from today.



  1. Spirit of godliness, possess my life, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Power to acquire godly wealth, overshadow me, in the name of Jesus.
  3. My Father, teach me how to get wealth, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Spirit of greed in my heart, die, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Anointing of “thou shall not make it”, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Father, empower me to be a blessing to others, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Evil shrine, evil altar, vomit my virtues, vomit my potential, in the name of Jesus.

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

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