Your Battle And The Source of Your Help by Pastor D.K Olukoya

Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, International Headquarters,
Power Mush Change Hands Monthly Program,
November Edition (Dealing with Marital Delay & Prayers for Supernatural Conception – Part 3)
Topic: Your Battle And The Source of Your Help
Ministering: Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)
Anchored Scriptures: Psalm 121:1-2, 1 Corinthians 8:5-6

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor D.K. Olukoya


In this November PMCH program, there are some special prayers we need to pray. Today is basically a prayer meeting. The prayers we are going to pray here now in this particular edition has ten characters:

  1. The prayers will be potent!
  2. It would be violent!
  3. It would be combative! There are things that must not go beyond this prayer meeting.
  4. They are miracle magnetizing!
  5. They have far reaching power!
  6. They are completely uncivilized and unsanitized prayers! When it comes to spiritual warfare, civilized prayers do not work.
  7. They are mountain moving prayers!
  8. They are restorations prayers!
  9. They are yoke breaking prayers!
  10. They are enemy dispossessing prayers!

I decree upon your life that anything the enemy has stolen from January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November; You shall repossess them in the name of Jesus. In a mysteriously way, you shall repossess it in the name of Jesus!

Since God your father has the final say, whether it’s convenient for the enemy or not, you shall laugh last in the name of Jesus!

Listen carefully, ‘your battle and the source of your help. Listen carefully so that you will be able to know the source of these prayers. Whether you’re looking for the fruit of the womb or experiencing marital delay, whether the enemy likes it or not, you shall rejoice in the name of Jesus!

‘Your battle and the source of your help’. Psalm 121, the psalm I encourage you to find time and memorize it. This is a pregnant passage. It tells you that help could come from other sources, not from the Lord who made heavens and the earth (1 Corinthians 8:5-6). What we are saying now might look very light, but it is why so many people are having troubles now. The Bible confirms that there are other gods that people go to get help from. Many of us don’t know anything about where our forefathers went to receive help. Many were kept alive by the satanic help their parents received.

The source of your help determines the life of your testimony. Listen beloveth, the devil has no free gifts. He has a primitive trade by barter. Those going from help to help, mountain to mountains, the devil operate a primitive trade by barter. Satan has no blessing to give to any body. What ever satan gives to people is merely a bait to get much more back from them. Satans’ bread is never free no matter how charitably given. Satan’s soup may be sometimes very sweet, but it is costly to eat it.

Daddy G.O recalls a previously shared story:

I shared a story with you sometime ago where a man wanted to get rich by all means. The native doctor told him to take a live chicken home and bring it after ten days. He said after all the charms that will be performed, he would bring the chicken and the chicken would eat corns, it is the number of corns the chicken eats that would determine how many years he will live. The man was a very clever man, he subject the chicken to fasting. After that, he poured many corns on the floor and was expecting the chick to eat many corns. The chicken ate one, two and then stopped at the third grain of corn. The native doctor said he would be very very rich for just three years and thereafter, die.

You never know the cost of Satan’s meat until you have eaten it. The origin of any help you receive determines your joy or might be the origin of your troubles. Satan could give you shoes but he will amputate your legs. He (satan) may give you a hat but would eventually behead you. Satan does not bless anyone, he has no blessing to give.

Those days before you got born again, were there places you went to and looking back now, you know you shouldn’t have gone there? Satan has no free gift. Think back and think back, were there places your parents took you to for incisions?

Also Read: The Mystery of Stagnancy by Pastor Dr. D.K Olukoya

You can call the devil all kinds of names but there is one name you cannot call him; you can’t call him a fool. He has a very retentive memory. If you have gone to receive a child from him before you got born again, he (satan) will remember you went there.

Pharaoh had a dream of seeing seven fat cows came out from the Nile River. He also had a dream and saw seven slim cows swallow the seven fat cows and after swallowing them; they (the 7 slim cows) were still slim. Joseph began interpreting those dreams to him about seven years of famine and seven years of abundance. The river Nile was not an ordinary river at all and it was a river the Egyptians worship.

The blessing that does not originate from God will never last.

That is why David declared ‘my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth’. Life is a kingdom of choices and the best thing when you come to a prayer meeting like this is to doubt your doubts. The person you are praying to knows the number of gallons upon the oceans, the number of sands upon the earth. When you call upon him, demons must bow. Heaven is ready to recreate whatever is missing in the body of anyone that cries to Him.

Blind Bartimeaus did not say his prayers, he cried his prayers. There is a difference between saying your prayers and crying your prayers.

Bottomline: Where there is power, there will be no struggles. God is never surprised by anything. God does not expend His energy, He has never learned anything and cannot learn. God’s power cannot be troubled by any human power. God can calculate what no man can calculate. God can use your enemy to promote you, He (God) can convert your adversity to advancement.

The Bible says that God has His way in the wind and the whirlwind!

Tell the Lord to dig deep into your lives today and do wonderful things in the name of Jesus!

Daddy G.O introduces the MFM female members of the basketball team (Also known as Shade Olukoya’s queens)

As part of our youth reposition agenda, the mountain of fire and miracle ministries set up the female basketball team. Not only that and within the space of a year of establishment; they will be representing Nigeria at the African championship at Angola. They have defeated teams in front of them that have players playing basketball even before they were born.

They came second in the national league this year. As we speak, two members of this team were part of the teams that won gold medals at the all African games at Morocco this year. All this within the space of one year, glory be to the name of the Lord.

There is a mystery about these ladies at the front (the female basketball team), they are not only good at playing basketball, they are also gifted in singing praises to the Lord. They also had a praise rendition after Daddy G.O’s brief introduction.

Announcement by Daddy G.O:

  1. Pastor Blessing is starting on the 1st of December to 31st of December 2019. 8am Daily as there will be plenty of gifts available.
  2. Weekend deliverance for this month is from 15th to 17th November 2019
  3. A prayerful place to lodge for member around the MFM premises which we approve. The MFM has a total of six guest houses in this headquarters for members who will like to stay. Those are the recommended guest houses.
  4. Every year, the MFM hold annual anointing service. The anointing service for this year is December power must change hands. It is taking place on the 7th of December 2019. Come with two bottles of anointing oil. One will be used here that day and one will be kept for the year 2020.
  5. The booklet ‘pray your way 2020’ will soon be available. It contains the seven days prayer into the new year. It also contains the new year program itself. It also contains January 2020 power must change hands program. It also contains the quenching the rage prayers that takes place from 7th of January to 7th of February 2020.

Prayer Rain:

Prayer session: Receiving divine favor by Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan (A.G.O)

1 I receive divine favor by fire in the name of Jesus!

Favor is for God to change your story. Favor is God changing your situation. Therefore you will say this loud and clear:

2 Because of favor, my own story will change in the name of Jesus!

Favor is to be selected among the crowd for special blessings just like the man by the pool of bethsaida.

3 I shall be selected for special blessings in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: pursue, overtake and recover by Pastor Gbesan (A.G.O)

4 Every power that had ever pursued me, I turn against you today in the name of Jesus!

5 By the power in the blood of Jesus, I overtake all that have gone ahead of me in the name of Jesus!

6 I recover every blessing I’ve lost to the enemy in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: My heaven, open by fire by Pastor Aladejola (A.G.O)

7 My heaven, in the month of November: open in the name of Jesus!

8 Every evil prayer offered against my progress, scatter in the name of Jesus!

After ministration, destiny changing Prayers by Daddy G.O:

Know for sure that when the year is going to an end, the devil want to balance his account. His activities and powers are not permitted in your life!

9 Powers hiring enemies against my joy, your time is up; die in the name of Jesus!

10 Powers assigned to waste me in my sleep, die in the name of Jesus!

These Next three prayers need boiling anger to prayer them:

11 Problems in my life mocking my prayers, scatter in the name of Jesus!

12.The battle of ‘thou shall not be congratulated’; die in the name of Jesus!

13 Arrogant enemies boasting against my rising: what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus!

14 Anti laughter demons, I bind you and I cast you out in the name of Jesus!

15 Raise your two hands: Anything planted in my life by unfriendly friends, come out now in the name of Jesus!

16 Powers assigned to dump my glory in the dustbin, be wasted in the name of Jesus!

17 The battles of my parents that have become my battles, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus!

18 I receive power to pursue the enemy that pursued my parents in the name of Jesus!

19 Witches gathered to bite me, destroy yourselves in the name of Jesus!

20 Powers that wants me to die on the day of my breakthrough, before I leave this place, die in the name of Jesus!

21 Powers assigned to stop my progress, fall down and die in the name of Jesus!

22 Any poison I had eaten when I was a child, come out of my body in the name of Jesus!

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