Open Heaven 20 february 2023 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – DREAMS AND FAITH 

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Open Heavens 2023
Date: 2023-02-20

Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:13 – We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:8-10

Message: Children of God can have great dreams and be confident they will come to pass because their heavenly father is the Alpha and Omega (Revelations 1:8). Children of God who put all their faith in Him can rest assured that God can bring their dreams – no matter how great – to pass because He is the only one that can declare the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9-10).

No matter how great your dreams may be, God can bring them to pass if you have faith in Him. God himself said in Habakkuk 2:4 that the just shall live by faith.

2 Thessalonians 1:3 tells us that faith can grow. Since your faith is a significant ingredient in the manifestation of your dreams, you must feed and grow it by listening to, studying, meditating and praying the word of God diligently.

In Mark 4:35-41, the Lord asked His disciples why they had no faith, but in Matthew 6:30, the Lord said to them, “O ye of little faith”, meaning that they now had faith, though little. Your faith can even grow further to become great faith (Matthew 15:21-28). Your future can actually be far better than your dreams; all you have to work on is your faith. Beloved, your faith must grow. When you hear me talking about my aspirations and dreams, I am only saying such great things because of how much faith I have in my God who is almighty.

Before I was born again – when I had no faith, my greatest ambition was to be a Vice- Chancellor-the youngest Vice-Chancellor in Africa. By the time I got to know Jesus and surrendered my life to Him, I began to understand that my natural mind could not even imagine how far He could take me. Now, I have learnt to dream big because I have a God who can do truly great and mighty things.

God rewards those who have faith in Him (Hebrews 11:6), so dream big and have faith in God that He will bring all your dreams to pass.

Hymn: That Wonderful Name
Points: Grow your faith and dream bigger.
Bible in one year: Numbers 33, Numbers 34, Numbers 35, Numbers 36

Title: That Wonderful Name, Jesus.
Chorus: null.

  1. That wonderful name, Jesus

That wonderful name, Jesus
That wonderful name, Jesus
There is no other name I know

  2. The Great Redeemer, Jesus

His blood washed me clean, Jesus
And now I am saved, Jesus
There is no other name I know

  3. The Great Physician, Jesus

His stripes healeth me, Jesus
And now I am whole, Jesus
There is no other name I know

  4. The Great Lord of hosts, Jesus

His truth set me free, Jesus
I am free indeed, Jesus
There is no other name I know

  5. The Great Provider, Jesus

He supplies my needs, Jesus
And now I am full, Jesus
There is no other name I know

  6. My Great Companion, Jesus

Always by my side, Jesus
I have a sure Friend, Jesus
There is no other name I know

  7. The soon-coming king, Jesus

Coming back for me, Jesus
I will reign with Him, Jesus
There is no other name I know

  8. Let us praise His name, Jesus

Name above all names, Jesus
Let us shout His name, Jesus
I will sing I will shout JESUS

Open Heavens 2023 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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