Open Heaven 24 December  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR CALLING 

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Open Heavens 2022
Date: 2022-12-24

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 1:9 – Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, 2 Timothy 1:9
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 20:22-27

Message: The Almighty God, our heavenly Father, made each and every one of us for a purpose. It does not matter the circumstances of your birth, God brought you into this world and called you to fulfil a specific purpose. Not everyone is called to be a Pastor, but everyone is called to fulfil a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says:
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

If you have found that good work for which God formed you, focus on it. What God wants for each of His children is for us to find our place and stay there. The one who was called to be in politics should not decide to become a Pastor and the one called to academics should not decide to go into farming. Everyone has his own assignment in this world and God will reward you, not based on how much work you have done, but if you fulfilled the purpose for which He formed you.

If you have not discovered that good work for which He formed you yet, you need to really pray for Him to reveal It to you. You need to be very clear about it and not make assumptions. For example, you may have the talent to sing, but your purpose may not be to become a musician. The talent could only be a tool to fulfilling your purpose. Joseph was a dreamer and an interpreter of dreams. Had he made assumptions, he would have thought his calling was to interpret people’s dreams. He spoke on his purpose in Genesis 45:7 thus: And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance”.

Also Read: Open Heaven 23 December  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – DON’T CAUSE OTHERS TO STUMBLE II 

The interpretation of dreams and even talent in administration were just tools to fulfilling His God-given purpose. Thank God he recognized that purpose, otherwise, he might have missed it by trying to retaliate against his brothers.

If God gives you a natural talent to handle scissors excellently, don’t conclude that you are called to be a fashion designer; barbers also use scissors. Pray and get a clear direction as to what God has called you to do on earth, and be faithful to that calling.

Hymn: When We Walk With The Lord
Points: Discover your purpose in life by asking God, then focus on fulfilling it.
Bible in one year: 1 Peter 3, 2 Peter 1, 2 Peter 2

Title: When We Walk with the Lord.
Chorus: Trust and obey!
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus,
But to trust and obey..

  1. When we walk with the Lord, 

In the light of His word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will
He abides with us still,
And with all
who will trust and obey.

  2. Not a shadow can rise, 

Not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt nor a fear,
Not a sigh nor a tear,
Can abide while
we trust and obey.

  3. Not a burden we bear, 

Not a sorrow we share
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief nor a loss,
Not a frown nor a cross,
But is blest
if we trust and obey

  4. But we never can prove

The delights of His love,
Until all on the altar we lay,
For the favour He shows
And the joy He bestows
Are for them
who will trust and obey.

  5. Then in fellowship sweet

We will sit at His feet,
Or we’ll walk
by His side in the way,
What He says we will do,
Where He sends we will go,
Never fear, only trust and obey.

Open Heavens 2022 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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