Open Heaven 4 August  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – THE POWER OF SILENCE  -

Open Heaven 4 August  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – THE POWER OF SILENCE 

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Open Heavens 2022
Date: 2022-08-04

Memory Verse: Isaiah 30:15 – For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. Isaiah 30:15
Bible Reading: Proverbs 18:6-8

Message: The greatest things in life are formed and grown in silence. When a woman conceives the baby is formed in silence. By the time the baby is mature enough for the world to see, he or she will come out of the womb and the noise will begin naturally. Many years ago, a minister of God came from America to the Redemption Camp and when he saw how big the place was and all the amenities there, he asked, “Why are you not making a lot of noise about this place?” I told him that in my village, they say that when you light a fire, you cover it so that it flames very well and the wind will not put it out. After a while, the fire will be so big that you won’t be able to cover it anymore. That is when everyone will see it. The less noisy you are, the farther you will go in life and the greater you will be.

Also Read: Open Heaven 3 August  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – Topic: WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst. of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16

One major thing that makes a serpent wise is its silence. If they were noisy animals, I think all serpents in the world would have been dead by now. The more silent you are, the less likely you are to be killed by the wolves of this world. The noisy fellow will talk without thinking, but the silent fellow will think before talking. If he does not have a perfect answer yet, he would rather say nothing, so you cannot hold his words against him.

It is not every question that you must answer. It is not every challenge that you must rise to. Learn to stay silent sometimes; that is how you will last long. The reason some people lose their respect and relevance in society is that they talk too much. Proverbs 17:28 says that even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent.

When everyone is talking in a meeting and one fellow is quiet, it is likely that soon, the head of that meeting would ask everyone to be silent for the quiet fellow to speak, then his words will be more respected. They do that because his silence is perceived as wisdom and so his words will be held with high regard. Always ask God for the wisdom to know when to be silent, when to talk and what to say at all times.

Hymn: Through The Love Of God Our Saviour
Points: Great things are formed and grown in silence
Bible in one year: Proverbs 31, Ecclesiastes 1, Ecclesiastes 2, Ecclesiastes 3

Title: Through the Love of God Our Saviour.
Chorus: null.

  1. Through the love of God our Saviour,

All will be well;
Free and changeless is His favour,
All, all is well:
Precious is the blood that healed us;
Perfect is the grace that sealed us:
Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us,
All must be well.

  2. Though we pass through tribulation,

All will be well;
Ours is such a full salvation,
All ,all is well:
Happy still in God confiding;
Fruitful if in Christ abiding;
Holy through the Spirit’s guiding;
All must be well.

  3. We expect a bright tomorrow; 

All will be well;
Faith can sing through days of sorrow,
All, all is well:
On our Father’s love relying,
Jesus every need supplying,
Or in living or in dying,
All must be well.

Open Heavens 2022 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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