Open Heaven 6 December  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS I 

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Open Heavens 2022
Date: 2022-12-06

Memory Verse: Numbers 22:22 – And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the LORD stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him. Numbers 22:22
Bible Reading: Exodus 14:15-27

Message: Hebrews 1:13-14 says that angels are ministering spirits. They are sent to minister to those of us who are heirs of salvation. Once you we born again, at least one angel is allocated to follow you everywhere you go. He is to follow you so that he can protect, assist and defend you. The angel will also monitor your actions and report your activities to God.

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It is a beautiful thing to have an angel with you everywhere you go. Whenever the enemies think they have gotten you, your angel can just simply take you out of their hold when they have gone to sleep (Acts 5:17-25, Acts 12:5-11). Even if you come face to face with lions, an angel will shut their mouths so that they don’t harm you (Daniel 6:19-22). With an angel with you everywhere you go, you have the best security in the universe because angels are really strong. The first time you see an angel of God, the first thing he will tell you is, “Fear not”, because you would really be frightened.

Read also: Open Heaven 5 December  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – GRATITUDE AND TESTIMONIES 

What you get from an angel is determined by whose side you are on. If you are on God’s side, the angel will work for you; if you are not, the angel can block your way so that everything you try to do would just be hitting a brick wall. In Numbers 22:21-35, we read about Balaam who God told not to go with Balak when the latter called for the prophet. Balaam insisted that he wanted to go. An angel blocked the way and was ready to kill him because the Bible says God’s anger was kindled against him. If a demon is blocking your way, you can tell it to get out and it would leave, but if an angel stands in your way and you tell him to go, he would ask, “In whose name?” If you say, “In Jesus’ name”, he will say, “It is Jesus that asked me to stand here” and there would be no way to move forward from there. If you don’t want an angel to stand in your way, you had better not annoy God.

It was an angel that ensured that the Egyptians did not get i close to the Israelites all night so that they could be drowned in the morning. The angel was rescuing the Israelites while simultaneously pushing the Egyptians towards death. Do not displease God; surrender your life to Jesus and live a holy life so that God’s angels will work in your favour.

Hymn: Conqueror And Overcomers Now Are We
Points: Angles will work for you if you are on God’s side but against you if you are living in sin.
Bible in one year: 1 Corinthians 15, 2 Corinthians 1, 2 Corinthians 2

Title: Conquerors and Overcomes Now are We.
Chorus: Conquerors are we,
through the blood of Jesus,
God will give us victory,
through the blood of Jesus,
Thro’ the Lamb for sinners slain,
Yet who lives and reigns again,
More than conquerors are we,
More than conquerors are we..

  1. Conquerors and overcomes now are we,

Thro’ the precious blood of
Christ we’ve victory
If the Lord be for us,
we can never fail,
Nothing ‘gainst His mighty
pow’r can e’er prevail.

  2. In the name of Israel's

God we’ll onward press,
Overcoming sin and
all unrighteousness;
Not to us, but unto
Him the praise shall be,
For Salvation and for
blood bought victory.

  3. Unto him that overcometh

shall be given,
Here to eat of hidden
manna sent from heav’n,
Over yonder he
the victors palm shall bear,
And a robe of white,
and golden crown shall wear.

Open Heavens 2022 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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