Open Heaven For Teens 19 December 2022 – A Heart Of Gratitude -

Open Heaven For Teens 19 December 2022 – A Heart Of Gratitude

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TOPIC: A Heart Of Gratitude [Open Heaven for Teens 19 December 2022]

MEMORISE: Then went king David in, and sat before the LORD, and he said, Who am I, O Lord GOD? and what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto? 2 Samuel 7:18

READ: 2 Samuel 6:14-21

14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.

15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.

16 And as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michal Saul’s daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.

17 And they brought in the ark of the Lord, and set it in his place, in the midst of the tabernacle that David had pitched for it: and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord.

18 And as soon as David had made an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts.

19 And he dealt among all the people, even among the whole multitude of Israel, as well to the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine. So all the people departed every one to his house.

20 Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!

21 And David said unto Michal, It was before the Lord, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel: therefore will I play before the Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Revelation 10:1-11, Micah 1-3


Many years ago, I was abroad at a world conference where several big men of God from all over the world were present. They also invited a small man like me and I went with my tambourine. One of the big preachers came to me and asked, What are you doing with a tambourine like an ordinary member of the choir? You are supposed to be the General Overseer, or is that not what they call you? I was surprised at his comment. May God have mercy! May I never stop praising God. How can I, a terrible sinner that God called out of darkness and brought into His light, stop praising God? I remember when I became the General Overseer of the RCCG; the total number of the staff of the Redeemed Christian Bible College was just three: the Principal, myself and one other person. Today, by the grace of God, the staff strength is well over a thousand. Who am I to feel too big to praise this God?

If you truly have a heart of gratitude, you will never be cajoled to praise God and you will not only praise Him when in the congregation of other Christians, you will thank Him constantly for everything. If you are grateful for all the numerous blessings of God, shout Hallelujah!


Whoever has a heart of gratitude will always be grateful.

Also Read:Open Heaven 19 December  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – Topic: Bountiful Sowing = Bountiful Harvest 

HYMN: When Upon Life’s Billows You Are Tempest-Tossed

  1. When upon life’s billows
    you are tempest tossed,
    When you are discouraged,
    thinking all is lost,
    Count your many blessings,
    name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you
    what the Lord hath done.

Count your blessings,
name them one by one;
Count your blessings,
see what God hath done;
Count your blessings,
name them one by one;
Count your many blessings,
see what God hath done.

  1. Are you ever burdened
    with a load of care?
    Does the cross seem heavy
    you are called to bear?
    Count your many blessings,
    ev’ry doubt will fly,
    And you will be singing
    as the days go by.
  2. When you look at others
    with their lands and gold,
    Think that Christ has promised
    you His wealth untold;
    Count your many blessings,
    money cannot buy
    Your reward in heaven,
    nor your home on high.
  3. So, amid the conflict,
    whether great or small,
    Do not be discouraged,
    God is over all;
    Count your many blessings,
    angels will attend,
    Help and comfort give you
    to your journey’s end.

Daily Devotional for Teen’s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.


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